

1941 During World War II

Please . . .

Please . . .

Please . . .

I chant with my eyes closed while both arms covered my ears as my body curled, bringing my knees together closer to my head –– hoping to hide my presence.

Hoping to stop the shaking of my body.

Hoping to give me comfort in these dark days.

I gasped as my body jolted when an earth-shattering sound of booms shook the earth. Though I couldn't see it, I could almost hear the peoples dying screams, the children's cries, and the nauseating smell of burning flesh.

I wanted to scream.

I wanted to cry.

I wanted to vomit.

But I didn't. I couldn't.

The fear that any moment, my life would snap out corroded everything inside me. I didn't have the time to think of others nor anything else. At this moment, I was praying for my safety. Nothing else matters.