
[LEANNA] 1.3

I held my head high, staring into his eyes without blinking as I ready myself.

". . ."

". . ."

After a long silence, he huffed a laugh. "Heh, if I wanted to kill you, I could have done it in your sleep."

And the strangest thing happened when he withdrew his gun and rested his back against the dirty walls of the cave, completely at rest, but maintaining a vigilant eye on me.

I frowned and shot him a glare before I snatched a jar of preserved fruits and chomped on it. Then I offered the jar to him.

"There's no poison. I just ate it."

". . ."

". . ."

His brows twitched, eyes alternating between me and the jar before he accepted it.

He inspected the jar for the longest time that made me lost count on how many times I rolled my eyes. He sniffed its contents, and a frown formed on his handsome face. He closed his eyes, and with hesitant fingers, picked a fruit and ate it.