The Consummate Wife Defender

Su Jin was speechless when she heard Ouyang Rui's words. How could there be such a retard in this world?

Su Jin sneered and typed quickly on her phone.

"You are a really good actor. You still want to slander me at this time? Su Xue, you also deserve an Oscar."

"Well, at this time, only a retard like Ouyang Rui will believe you!"

Su Xue seized the opportunity, pretended to be fragile and said tearfully,

"Su Jin, did you frame me because Ouyang Rui likes me but not you?"

"You can't blame me for this. You can't force love. Besides, I only treat Ouyang Rui as an older brother. We are not in love."

"Don't be angry. Don't let the principal expel me, okay?"

When the teachers and students saw this, their immediate thought was devious sibling rivalry.

Many boys were also enamored by Su Xue's behavior and immediately defended her.

"What Su Xue said is not unreasonable. Who knows, maybe it really was Su Jin who framed Su Xue?"