Hurtful Remarks

Lin Lianlian was still angry after she said that. It would definitely be a good thing if she could back out of the deal. Considering the incitement that was growing in the crowd, it was kind of acceptable for Yu Haiyang, the school bully, to speak up for Su Jin. But who was that piece of trash Pang Lili? Lin Lianlian cursed at Pang Lili viciously,

"Pang Lili, you'd better shut up. This has nothing to do with you. Why don't you look at yourself? You're ugly, dark and fat. Where did you get the courage to speak up? It's disgusting."

Hearing such humiliating words, tears began to well up in Pang Lili's eyes. She lowered her head and held back her tears. After returning from the countryside, she wasn't afraid of others looking down on her or bullying her, but she was afraid of people hurling insults at her. That really hurt.