Do I Have the Right to Speak?

People in the company had always gossiped about Su Beijiang because of Jiang Xiaoman. Now that Su Jin had said it so bluntly, Su Beijiang's face turned terrifyingly gloomy as he said angrily,

"Su Jin, are you trying to make trouble here?"

Su Jin ignored Su Beijiang and looked at the dispirited Lin Zihan. He was the company's cash cow but he was forced into such a state by a two-faced hypocrite. It's despicable. Su Jin said loudly to the crowd,

"I'm not messing around. I just can't stand the way you are ruining Mango Entertainment's cash cow. I believe that there's nothing wrong with Lin Zihan's character. There must be something wrong with this matter between him and Su Xue."

A glimmer of hope appeared in Lin Zihan's lifeless eyes when he heard Su Jin's trusting words. Finally, someone recognized that something was wrong. He hadn't done anything to Su Xue!