Invitation to the Cinema

Jian Yan couldn't say those words, so she started to read the names of the ingredients.

Beauty was in the eye of the beholder. Not only was Fu Li not disappointed, but he even felt that Jian Yan was quite cute.

Jian Yan ordered what she wanted and handed the menu to Fu Li, who did not hesitate to order all the dishes she ordered. However, he looked at Jian Yan as he read out the names of the dishes, as though he was saying sweet nothings.

Jian Yan turned her head away to avoid his passionate gaze. She pretended to be in a daze and started to regret agreeing to treat him to lunch.

It had been five years since they last met, but Fu Li had gotten better with women.

"Alright. Your dishes will be here soon."

The waiter finished recording their orders and left.

After working for a long time, he had met many couples. This was the first time he had met such a couple.

One of them booked the entire venue in advance, but told him not to tell the female party, who would be paying for the meal. The other didn't even bother reading out the names of the dishes when ordering, and chose instead to read out the name of the ingredients.

Fu Li said, "Yanyan, you invited me here today. I should treat you too."

"No, I don't have time tonight. You said before that you won't bother me after I'm done treating you to the meal." Jian Yan decisively refused.

Fu Li smiled and continued, "That's true. After all, you still have to take care of the children. Do you have time in the afternoon? It shouldn't be too much of a hassle to watch a movie, right?"

"Zhang Yue's movie, 'Hidden Love', has been released for the second time recently. The movie has garnered good critiques. Back then, this movie didn't make it to the cinema chains overseas. You definitely haven't watched it."

The Fu Corporation held the copyrights to the movie, and he had arranged for the second screening in advance so that his date would be perfect.

Whenever Fu Li mentioned the children, Jian Yan could not help but panic.

She looked at Fu Li seriously, trying to see if he was just casually mentioning it or if he had other intentions. Unfortunately, she could not read his mind and could only see Fu Li's faint smile.


Jian Yan agreed without much hesitation.

She was indeed very interested in her best friend's movies, especially those that she had not watched before. When she was overseas, she had felt that it was a pity that she had not seen "Hidden Love".

She would watch a movie in the afternoon, lecture her children in the evening, and then talk to Zhang Yue about this movie. It seemed like a good plan.

'Wait a minute, could Fu Li have already figured out that I'm living with Zhang Yue?! No, I can't stay at Zhang Yue's place anymore. It's time to move out.'

Fu Li was now staring at her with all his heart. Before he lost all interest in her, she could not let him pay any more attention to her children.

Besides, she wanted to teach Lin Zhi and Jian Wan a lesson. Moving back to the Jian family's residence was a good idea too. It would make it easier for her to face them head-on and get to know more about the Jian family. She wanted to make the Jian family bankrupt now that she was back in China.

Jian Yan's mind was in a mess but her expression remained unchanged as she patiently waited for the dishes to arrive.

During the meal, Fu Li found many interesting topics to talk about.

"Yanyan, the inspiration for your piece of embroidery entitled 'Fairy Dancer' came from Dunhuang's Mogao Cave, right?"

"You've actually seen my work?"

Jian Yan was surprised. At first, she was very guarded, but after chatting for a while, she couldn't help but be immersed in the conversation.

She understood that Fu Li must have done his homework in advance. Otherwise, he wouldn't know so much about her embroidery skills and design inspiration…

Yet, she knew very little about Fu Li.

She was even confused as to why he liked her so much and was willing to marry her.

This could not go on. It was essential for her to know her enemies like the back of her hand. Only then would she be able to make him give up on her!

After the meal, Jian Yan paid the bill and took Fu Li's car to the theater where "Hidden Love" was being screened for the second time.

Along the way there, she tried to understand Fu Li's preferences. The latter was surprised by her inquiries, but he kept his mouth shut and said nothing.

His only desire now was Jian Yan.

Fu Li knew that the woman would be scared away if he told her the truth.

Then, it would be an arduous task to find her again

unless he was willing to use illegal means to trap Jian Yan… but he would never do that.

Because he knew the consequences of doing so: He would completely lose Jian Yan's love, and the understanding and support of the three children.

At the cinema.

Jian Yan took out two pieces of popcorn from the popcorn bucket that Fu Li passed to her. She stuffed them into her mouth and looked at the empty theater suspiciously.

Cinema-goers were usually here for the latest movies. It was understandable that the second screening of this movie did not attract too many viewers.

However, there were only two of them watching the movie in the entire theater. It was too strange. Zhang Yue was not an outdated director, and the movie was not some lousy movie either.

Jian Yan opened the ticketing app and realized the truth.

"President Fu, you're really rich."

Jian Yan waved the phone at Fu Li.

Fu Li sat primly and looked at the screen, pretending it had nothing to do with him.

Soon, the movie began.

Jian Yan focused her attention on the screen and didn't pursue the matter.