Taken Away by the Police

Fu Li clicked on the video.

Li Zhou had done a good job, and he did not see his daughter's face in the video. However, the moment he heard her cry, his anger skyrocketed and he felt the urge to kill Lin Zhi then and there.

Apart from drugging Yanyan, this woman had actually bullied his daughter!

He had only met his daughter once, and his daughter probably did not even know about him. Yet, he had already been thinking about entering their lives as soon as he learned of the existence of his daughter and sons.

Fu Li clenched his fists tightly. The pain from the wound did not suppress the anger in his heart.

He immediately contacted Li Zhou.

"We can't let Lin Zhi off. Other than making the Jian Group bankrupt, we have to do something else. She bullied my daughter, so I have to get back at her. Contact the underworld gangs of Luo City and find out who stabbed Jian Yan today. Get someone to drug Lin Zhi's daughter, Jian Wan, and record something. It doesn't have to be real. Then give the video to Fu Yuan."

He would never allow Jian Wan to be part of the Fu family!

Li Zhou was taken aback by the sudden call, but what surprised him the most was Fu Li's injury.

"Alright, Mr. Fu. I'll arrange for someone to do it right away. Is your injury serious? Do you need to contact a hospital for you to recuperate there?" Li Zhou asked.

"By the way, Mr. Fu, the heads of Qian, Zhou, and Chen families have already come looking for you. They said that they want their wives to apologize to Madam. No matter what, they are willing to apologize to her. They just hope that the contract will not be terminated."

Fu Li replied, "I don't need to be hospitalized. It's just a slight injury. You can tell Jian Yan about their apology tomorrow and see if she agrees. If she doesn't agree, then just ignore them. If she does, let them apologize."

He rubbed his temples. He wondered if Jian Yan would like this gift.

Officer Mo led the team to the Jian family's residence.

The police car's sirens blared as it drove into the high-end residential area, attracting a lot of attention.

When the residents discovered that a police car had parked outside the Jian family's house, everyone started gossiping.

It was indeed wrong to push a child on the streets, but with Madam Lin's status, the police shouldn't have come looking for her.

There was now complete pandemonium in the Jian family's house.

Father Jian was scolding Lin Zhi for doing something so embarrassing that affected the Jian family's reputation.

Lin Zhi, on the other hand, was unable to prove her innocence due to her medical report showing nothing out of the ordinary. She could only sob as she recounted her grievances over the past few years.

Jian Wan tried to act as the middle man between her parents. She did not understand why the news just could not be suppressed even though she had spent so much effort to do so. In fact, the situation was even getting worse.

The knocks on the door interrupted their conversation.

Father Jian instantly stopped reprimanding her and Lin Zhi quickly wiped her tears away with a tissue.

Jian Wan heaved a sigh of relief as she walked toward the door.

As long as it wasn't Jian Yan, it didn't matter who it was at the door. After all, the visitor would definitely make the atmosphere more harmonious.

"Hello, are Lin Zhi and Jian Wan home? Oh, you're Jian Wan. You should remember me. You came to the police station with Lu Xue."

Jian Wan looked at the police and was dumbfounded. She looked at her mother in a panic.

Lin Zhi felt uneasy at the thought of hiring those assassins. She forced herself to remain calm and asked, "Officer, why are you here? Did something happen to Jian Yan?"

How she hoped that the police officer would reply in the affirmative and tell her that Jian Yan's face had been disfigured, and her limbs broken. Now, they were simply here for Jian Yan's medical fees.

But Officer Mo's words shattered her fantasy.

"No, we're here for you and your daughter. You're involved in the purchase of hidden cameras and illegal drugs. Your daughter is involved in framing others too, so we need the two of you to make a trip to the police station," Officer Mo said calmly and listed Jian Yan as the victim.

Father Jian was stumped. "Illegal drugs, hidden cameras, and framing someone? You've come to my house for no good reason and even want to take my wife and daughter away? How can you do this? Do you know who I am? Do you know who the Jian Group is? Do you know who my daughter's fiancé is? Get lost now. I'll get your boss to apologize to me later!"

Although he was in a hurry to chase the officer away, Father Jian had taken Officer Mo's words to heart and decided to interrogate Lin Zhi properly after sending the man away.

"Sir, please don't interfere in the police's investigations. We received a letter of complaint and have evidence. If you try to stop me, I'll handcuff you as well," Officer Mo said as he handcuffed Jian Wan, who was standing by the side in a daze. The police officer who came with him did the same to Lin Zhi.

Father Jian was frightened and didn't dare to resist anymore.

After the police took the two women away and the car drove off, Father Jian paced around the house helplessly, wanting to ask for help.

'Damn it! Mentioning Fu Yuan didn't work. Who else could I mention apart from him?'

Before long, a candidate flashed through his mind—his elder daughter, Jian Yan!