Can You Put On Some Sunscreen?

He was very talented in nail art, and some people tried to recruit him, but most of the people in this line of work were women. Their boyfriends often thought that he was having an affair with them, and after this kind of thing happened a few times, Paddy was a little tired of it.

After all this trouble, in addition to being misunderstood by others, his funds were also becoming less and less, and he had no choice but to temporarily find a job to solve his financial problems.

Now that Paddy saw Xiang Xiaoyuan's hands, he suddenly had an itch. He wanted to design a manicure for Xiang Xiaoyuan. However, when he saw Xiang Xiaoyuan's exquisite and perfect profile, he promptly dispelled this thought.

The man beside such a beauty would be even more controlling.

Paddy sighed helplessly.

Xiang Xiaoyuan did not hear Paddy's sigh because she was lowering her head to send a message to Lu Bei.