This is My Wife

Over the phone, Lu Wanggui's deep voice could be heard. "Are you free this afternoon?"

Xiang Xiaoyuan felt that it had something to do with the lawyer, so she quickly replied, "Yes, of course I'm free!"

Lu Wanggui: "... then come to the company this afternoon. Lawyer Jiang is free this afternoon."

"Okay." Xiang Xiaoyuan quickly agreed and prepared to go out immediately. Before she left, she had brought the information she needed.

Lu Wanggui's personal lawyer must be very good. She didn't even need to spend money to consult such a good lawyer!

She felt happy thinking about it!

The Lu Corporation was located in the CBD. There were many tall buildings here, and the design was unique. It looked majestic.

When Xiang Xiaoyuan arrived, the entrance to the parking lot was blocked. She had no choice but to park her car outside.