I Wish I Had Known You Earlier

Lu Wanggui said calmly, "I was a few years younger than Xu Xiyao at that time. My family wasn't well-off. In order to ease the pressure on my family, I started thinking of ways to earn money when I was in my teens. I've done almost every job you can think of. I sold paper and plastic bottles to the recycling center, and was an ice cream vendor. After finishing the university entrance exam, my results were pretty good. I was given a partial scholarship. But I had to earn the rest of the tuition fees and living expenses by myself. At that time, private tutoring was not popular. Most people relied on physical labor to earn money."

Xiang Xiaoyuan thought about it. Lu Wanggui was only seventeen or eighteen years old when he took the university entrance exam. It was more than twenty years ago.