Living Hell

" I will make your life living hell, you will suffer to an extend, that even winds will scared to help you"

A handsome tall man said in cold voice and shut the door.

There is a girl who is sitting hugging her knees.Her eyes look red like she cried before.

Her feature was best describe as sharp nose, fair skin, blue eyes, chocolate brown long hairs.

Her beautiful face have scars, she looks pale, and thin.

The room is having nothing except walls and small window ,attached with bathroom ,a water cane and small trunk.The whole room was vacant.

Only thing is present in room is herself, trunk and water cane.No bed ,no pillow no sheet to sleep.

She bury her face in between legs and start crying.

" Mom...elder brother.....please save me....Where are you???...Are you fine???...please come and save me from this hell.....please" she sobs sobs sobs and slept on cold floor curling herself without blanket or pillow.


At morning.

"Aahh,what the..." Someone splash water on her face to wake her up.

" Boss is calling you in fifteen minutes" His assitant inform her and rode out.

She got up, went in bathroom and came back in fresh cloth, and went to meet him.

She knock the door of his bedroom and enter.

" You called me?"

" You are late by 23 seconds" His cold voice heard in room.

" There is no clock in my room"she countered.

" Does it mean ,you will late by giving lame excuse of no clock" He got up from his chair walk to her side.

The blue jeans and black shirt with slipper, suits his skin tone, the black frame glasses add more beauty to his handsome face.

She lowered her head, as there is no use of argument,anyhow he hate her and her family.He killed her father and brought her with him.

He kept her brother and mother to an unknown place she don't know.

He pulled her hairs up in rage" Answer me when I am asking something.You are not a tree to listen but can't speak"

" There's no use of answering you, first you won't believe and second you just want to torture me Kiyan. No matter what you do, you can't break me"

He got angry by listening his word, he smashed her head on wall" Don't you dare to call me by my name, I am not Kiyan but Master for you.I'll break your illusion".

She got blackout for a seconds when her head banged on wall, it starts bleeding from one side.She can't speak anything, she is paying for her father's sins.

She look at him in anger" Lower you gaze" She keeping staring him " I said lower your gaze Hazel" he gritted his teeth, but in anger she was not lowering her gaze.

He immediately threw her on bed and hover on her, he ripped her clothes and her two mound exposed to him in pink inner.

" Noooooooo I am sorry..I am sorry ...please no....." He bury his face on her neck and bite it like a beast, and hold her mound and pinch it harshly....

"Aaaahhhhhhhh,....No.....kiy...master...noooo" She cried with wide eyes and loud sobs.

" Now you know what the fear is...I will payback everything your father did to me" he whispered in her ears and bite her earlobes.

" I got you master..." she surrendered in a pleading voice.

He got up from her, she too immediately got up and cover herself with sheet.

" You are my Slave now,Clean the entire Mansion, without any servant's help" He strode out ordering her.

She went in her room first to change the cloth,where the lady head butler gave her servant cloths.

She wore and start tiding the Mansion.The first she sweep the entire mansion which almost took half day and her spine was paining badly, as she is not habituate to work, her family treat her like princess.

After sweeping, she starts mopping, It is more difficult than sweeping.As she need to change water again, wash the mopper to clear the dirt.

She starts panting, and sweating profusely.Her head is paining.It was almost dinner time when she complete the mopping.

Without food, she was working, when it was dinner time, she was cleaning the dust on the furnitures, though it was spotless and neat.

At two a clock in midnight she complete the entire cleaning the mansion including twelve bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, study room, washing utensils, laundries.

She went inside her room and took bath, when she came out and just laid on floor.

Someone knock the door, and pass the food.

She is very hungry, but when she look at the food, she starts crying, it is plain left over rice, with lentils.

Once she was a rich girl,now she work entire day, and in return they give her just cold food.

She try to eat forcefully while shedding tears. because whatever she has is cold food in her fate.


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