Unexpected huge loss

The party was sucessful and its time to guest to leave the mansion.Hazel is clearing the dishes and mansion.Suddenly someone grab her arm harshly and took her inside the room.

" Leave me.....what you doing master ...Wait"....she tries to free her arm but Kiyan pull her all the way to his bedroom and threw her on bed like a trash.

He hover her and start kissing her" Master.....noo...leave me you ..." her voice was supressed under his kiss.

" You need how many men to satisfy you..I saw you taking to him. Next time you will get more than this"

He keep moving inside her harshly, she keep shouting and struggling to free herself " Master please My body can't take it more....ahhh

..its hurting..."

He seal her mouth with his lips and bite harshly till he got the salty blood taste.

Hazel lost her conscious, meanwhile Kiyan felt some wetness on the uniting part of their body, he stop kissing her and saw her closed eyes.

He look down and saw the blood coming out of Hazel body from the part between her legs.

" Ha..Hazel wake up...what happen to you?" he pat her cheek multiple times to wake her up.He got panick..." Hazel..are you listening to me...oh god why she is bleeding...what's wrong with her?"

He settle his cloths and rushes with her in his arms to his car" Fast...hospital" he order to his driver.

" Hazel you will be okay..... I am not done with you...." he grit his teeth.



She was take to strecher where nurse immediately put IV on her hand and oxygen mask.She was taken inside the operating room.

Kiyan was deseperately waiting to known the reason.After a long wait,the door was open and doctor came out.

" What's wrong with her doctor..is she fine?"

"What's wrong with her....What's wrong with you Mister. I am sorry that I am speaking to you like this but she almost lost the chance to become mother again."The doctor was lady in mid thirties she spoke in strict manner and big eyes.

" What are you saying....Mother?" he said softly.

" Yes ,she was two week pregnant and first trimester it a very very crucial period for pregnant lady, she is already under nourished , weak and you did.....in rough way." she frown her eyes and there was lines on her forehead.

" Is she and baby..."

" She suffered a miscarriage, and about Hazel she is stable now...just stable but weak" doctor interupt him and walk.

Kiyan was not able to digest the fact that Hazel was pregnant with his child..which is no more.He ran his both hand on his hand and sat on bench.

He covered his face with both palms and sniff he can become father in upcoming months but his anger made him lost his baby.

He stood up and open the door only to see her weak pale face.He hold her hand and realised how thin and small her body is, just like fragile, he wonder how did she bear his torture till date.

He sigh and close his eyes and drop of waters starts shedding from his eyes