Kiyan Knights girlfriend

"Show me another one" Hazel ask attender, decided not to argue with her but again Rosia took the dress and ask attender to pack it.

Like wise whatever Hazel is selecting for her Rosia is snatching her dress and asking attender to pack for herself.Many clothes she snatch from her.

After sometime Hazel ask attender" Pack this one too" But Rosia snatch and keep for her.Hazel wait patiently for Rosia to pay the bill.When Rosia swipe her card proudly, Hazel laugh" for the first time in my life I am watching a person paying so much of amount just for not worthy cloths" and walk out.

When Hazel notice Rosia is snatching her clothes, she purposely ask attender to show her the low pricw clothes. Rosia got angry and she pull Hazel arms" What do you think of yourselves, you filfty girl. what you know about money, the rag who only know to spread her legs with rich boys,to maintain life style. Wait I'll show you". She shout on her.

" I'll show you" a cold and deadly voice heard, every one look in direction of voice, there he was standing the hottest man- Kiyan Knights.

"She is with me, my girlfriend,Kiyan Knights's girlfriend, and manager make sure this women never enter in my mall again , and no one will sell a single button to her." he hold Hazel shoulder and walk out the shop.

" I am not your Girlfriend" she released her shoulder.

" You don't know her, she will trouble you again ,If I wouldn't said you are my girlfriend"

" You can even say friends"

"Friends with benefits" he winks her with smirk.


" Did you understand my plan, Ask again if you didn't got it. I don't want any goof up" a women speak on phone telling her evil plan.

" Yes madam I got, your work will be done just the way you want"

She cut tha call and smile" What's in your mind Rosia?" her mother ask.

" Soon you will come to know mom, because of her Kiyan insulted me, now its time for her to get insult"

" Instead of planning an insult, why don't you get rid of her permanently"

" Step by step mom, have patience. I send a spy on Hazel, just need one chance to create huge mountain wall between them."


Hazel notice change in Kiyan's behaviour, she want to ask him about her family. Manytime word came till throat but she swallow back.

She decide to find whereabout of her family to her own.She need to find her family.

She don't know from where to start the search of finding her family, but she know one thing,she can find something in his study room.

After Kiyan went to office she sneak in his study room to find something related to her family.

She start searching rack where all files are kept for clue.

After searching in rack she found a file 'Confedential' it made her curious to know what's inside in it.

She open the file to read but heard someone asking her" Did you see Hazel madam, where she is?"

In panick she close the file, keep it properly in rack and came out of the study room.

" Where were you Miss, we check every place?" a butler ask her.

" I was in just wondering around the mansion"

" Madam, I kept your chamomile tea in your room and What would you like to have in lunch?"

" Make whatever you want" she left immediately.


At night

Kiyan came from office and had dinner, after that he went in his study room.

While walking something prick in his foot, he look down to see what it is and found earring, it made his anger back.

He rush out in Hazel's room ,he pull her arm harshly and twist it" What were you doing in my study room?"

" You are hurting me master, leave me first"

" Answer me first, what were you doing in my study room" he twist her hand more.

"I was ...I was just looking for some good book to read" he realise her hand.

" What?" he frown, didn't expect this, he taught she came to spy in his room. And searching for some proof.

" I am totally home arrest till now, I don't have a mobile phone, not a single entertainment thing in my room.Till how long I will do gardening, and sit there, or do some cooking, This boredom is killing me inside, that's why I went there to find book" she lied partially.Its true she have nothing entertainment thing and bore beyond extend.

Kiyan look at her room, she still sleep on floor with just pillow and sheet, a trunk and watercane.

" I am ...I really don't like anyone enter in my study room.When I found your earring, I just freak out.Look Hazel I know very well you hate me ummm"

Hazel kissed Kiyan on his lips, her both palms are beneath his ears, holding his face.Kiyan eyes are wide open when she kissed her, it is unexpected that she will take initiative to kiss him.

He froze on his place, while she is kissing her with close eyes.This is the first time he notice at her face closely, prior to this he never notice her.

The long black eyelashes, perfect arc eyebrow and soft juicy lips, he raised his hand to hold her waist to pull her closely but she end the kiss.