Accidental kiss

At evening, all the staff members gathered in garden with campfire lit in between them.They are busy in playing games, singing songs, passing the parcel.They divide themselves into four groups.

Each team member will drink hot Cappuccino, the team to drink most cup of coffee in given time will win.

The second game is the tongue twister, participant of each has to speak tongue twister as fast as they can for ten times.

They will play Apple nibbling game. There are four stands with an apple hanging from rope in between. Each team with two member has to eat apple.Those who finish first will win the game.Failure team will be splashed with ice cold water.

To make more entertaining, a male and female will be paired up.Each team member came, Hazel is in team C, she is paired with Hilton.

The member was cheering for their team mates.

All the noises shut when Kiyan came with his assistance, all the girls and ladies were drooling looking at him. Hazel watch their reaction' Only if they know how animal he is' she thought.She can't deny the fact, he is too handsome and can charm any ladies but what she went through makes his charm dull infront of action.

Kiyan gesture them to continue the game and sat on the chair with his assistance."Are you ready team"The host among the staff ask and there is the roar in cheering.

Kiyan's gaze coldly and sharply watching Hazel with another man.Jennifer look at him and understood. She clapped her hand to gain everyone attention" Does everyone want our Boss Knight to participate in game"

" Boss knight, Boss knight, Boss knight" the crowd shouts in excitement.

Kiyan got up from his seat to walk, All three girls deseperately waiting for Kiyan to participate with them, but he stand in front of Hazel making her heart beats fast.

The man Hilton he step aside to let Kiyan stand.Kiyan and Hazel look at each other, Kiyan smile little looking at her" Bite the apple, don't eat it, I will eat the whole apple" he instruct her.

Its a strategy ,one will hold apple and other will finish eating.She nodded, and on count of three every one pounch them on Apple to win.Hazel like instrusted she bite the apple and watch Kiyan's handsome face coming closer.She close her eyes.

Kiyan came near to her ,and start eating apple. They can feel each other breeze brushing on their cheeks.

Their is the rise in temperature in Hazel's body.Suddenly butterfly flies inside her stomach making it tinkling sensation in her body.A strong feeling arouse in her body, she want to touch him, hold him, be in his arms.

In her thoughts she felt a warm soft touch on her lips,making her jolt, its Kiyan's lips on her lips.His lips touch her lips, making her move step back in jerk.

" Team A TeamB team D is the winner to eat whole apple" the host announce.

Team C kiyan and Hazel lost, but who will dare to punish Boss.At this Cane got up" Let me offend Boss Knights than" he took bucket of ice water and splash on Kiyan.

Kiyan used his jacket to cover Hazel, he pull up the jacket in such a way that all the water will come on him, but not on Hazel.Cane carefully pour all the water on Kiyan, not on Hazel.

Kiyan was drench in water while Hazel is dry

After drenching, he spoke in little voice only Hazel to listen" Its okay.I am fine".

" Staff,carry on ,I need to change my clothes" He added and went to his room.