30. Washing Each other R-18 (Part- l)

Max stiffens looking at the heavenly view in front of him. Takaki was fully naked and was bending down at this moment to check the water temperature in the bathtub sticking out her bare butt in Max direction.

Max agree that she has a most seductive and perfect body in his woman even heroin-like Hope doesn't have a perfect body shape like her, which is enough to know how seductive Takaki body is right now. Seeing this Max little brother rose and was threatening to tear out of his pants.

"Oh, you come back Max, Who was at the door?" Takaki felt someone staring at her back and turned around to see Max standing at the door of the bathroom, She blushed by Max looking at her naked body thinking he might be captivated by her beauty but she remembered what Max said to her in his room pouring cold water over fantasies that she just created.

"I am not that old I will prove it to him ." Takaki murdered under her breath determining to prove that she is way better than any 18-year-old girl.

"Oh nothing special, it's just old "friend" needed some favour to spice up his life and I as good friend help him with that, without even asking anything in return, even spend little money from my pocket for it, I do a good thing, right mom?." Max have a very gentle smile on his face like a saint.

"Huh.....Yeah, you did a good job, Max, You should do these good deeds more often for good karma, T-That can I hug you as a reward?" Takaki couldn't understand what Max said cause, first of all, he doesn't have any friends close enough to give them a favour out of his pocket, Second she didn't understand the meaning of spicing up life also the Max she knew is not kind enough to help anyone without asking something in return but when she saw that gentle smile on his face while calling her mom and asking for praise, She couldn't bear to ask him what he means, So she praised him for it as she use to when he was a child. Anyway, it's doesn't matter what Max say its indeed sound like a good deed and she can use this as an excuse to hug him.

"Yeah, why are you taking permission for hugging me? Do as you use to back then." Max gave her a confused look like saying why she need permission for it as if he didn't know the reason was he himself.

"huh...Really?" Takaki is ready to be rejected by Max or even disgusted by him but to her surprise, Max agrees to it even saying she didn't need permission, Yes she only heard things that she wanted to hear and ignore everything else.

"Yes, Why you don't want to?" Max raised his eyebrow showing his dissatisfaction and questioned her. He has to act like this for her to accept his other women and her being yandere doesn't help either.

"No, I wanted to, wait I am com- AHHHHH" Takaki panicked hearing Max questioning tone thinking he might change his mind, So hurriedly walk towards him but because she was not careful she slipped her step cause of a wet floor and was about to fall on her face. Max quickly reacted and hugged her in his arms saving her from falling on her face.

"Are you okay?" Takaki closed her eyes waiting for the pain that was about to come but other than the pain she felt hands warped around her body giving her a warm embrace. She opened her eyes and looked at a face she always dreamed of only inches away from her face. Her heartbeat speeds up and her face started to flush, Then she heard his caring gentle words of concern for her warm her heart. She didn't say anything just warped her arms around Max and hugged him back. She lay her head on Max's chest enjoying the sense of security she getting from him.

"Hey be careful, It's good that I am here if you fell down you probably end up having a fracture or worse broken bone and at your age, it's very hard to heal it completely, You might end up being disabled for life." Max sounded like he gently reprimanding a child but his words were lethal for Takaki.

She who was at cloud 9 of happiness fall straight down to hell after listening to his words. She didn't understand why he have to mention her age every time didn't he know women don't like anyone talking about their age especially from a man they love.

"Max you know I am not that ol- Ahhhh uhmm huhh." Takaki wanted to rebuttal about her not being that old but her words were interrupted by an intense orgasm. She didn't understand how Max just caressed her back but she felt so much pleasure from that she ended up having a big orgasm in instant without any warning. She tightly holds Max while having an orgasm. Her body lost its energy because of this orgasm and she put her whole body on Max supporting herself.

"See you wetted yourself again and can't even stand straight, aren't these signs of being old? Don't push yourself this much to hide it, There is nothing to embarrass about this, It's natural after you become old." Max said in a very caring and understanding way but these words were like a dagger stabbing in Takaki's heart. She couldn't able to decide where to be angry, sad, embarrassed or happy because of Max words.

She wanted to become angry cause Max keep calling her old but also sad because there was still some truth in it, She is no longer 20 years old girl, She was also embarrassed because Max keep saying that she wetted herself and She wanted to be the happy cause after a long time Max being caring, considerate and gentle towards her but couldn't able to figure it out which to show between all these emotions.

"You don't even have the strength to stand up, You just seat on that stool I help you to wash your body, You fine with that right?." Max pointed towards the stool and he helped her to seat on it.

"Yes I am fine with it, My body does feel weak" Takaki didn't even hesitate for a second and agreed to Max suggestion. The moment she heard Max asking her if he can help her, all those thoughts that bothering her, She picked and throws them out of the window. It's doesn't matter if she called old or accused of wetting herself if she gets service from her beloved Max. At this moment she is genuinely happy and excited waiting for Max to wash her body.

"Huh which soap and shampoo do you use?" Max Look at the line of luxury soap and shampoo bottles and he couldn't figure out which one Takaki uses daily. After all, he can't pick random shampoo or soap because that might not be suitable for her skin.

"Oh second last one I often use." Takashi was surprised that Max actually asked her first other than grabbing it randomly, Which show that he did care for her making her heart warm.

"Yeah okay... Whoa, your back is very smooth and tight considering your age." Max go behind her back and started rubbing liquid soap on her back while complimenting her. Here Takaki in an emotional roller coaster, At one moment she becomes happy and warm but the next moment that replaced by sad angry emotions. She didn't understand why Max have to keep mentioning her age while completing her.

Max is helpless about this, He couldn't able to find any other reason to break her confidence, Which is essential for his harem plan and weaken her yandere personality. He can't say anything about her body cause it's perfect and she knows that, So saying bad about it will not be that effective worse she might try hard to make it more perfect for Max, He also can't fault in her cocking cause her cocking is level of 5-star Michelin chef, He can't even say about her business acumen cause although she is not a genius in it but she is better than most of the people. So her age is the only thing that can be effective on her.

"Hum Thanks, I take care of it every day." Although she was irritated but she couldn't be able to compliant feeling Max hand on her bareback.

Max started to wash her back using only his hand. He rubbed his hand on her upper back then moved to the lower side and at this time he has again activated his ecstasy hands with massage skill.

"Humm uhhh uhhhhh." Takaki tried very hard to control her moans, She couldn't able to understand Max just washing her but why it's feeling so good. Her crotch started to tingle and her vagina started to secrete love juices. She feels like as if it's set on fire. Takaki used her every bit of willpower to stop herself from pounding on Max directly.

Max moved his hands even more down towards her upper exposed butt cheeks. The moment Max's hand rubbed her butt Takaki felt as if an electric current run through her, But she was prepared this time and hardly able to control herself from cumming again, So as not to be embarrassed by Max, After all even if it's doesn't matter it's still hurt to hear it from the man she loves.

"Are you okay mom?" Max had playfully evoked his corner of lips. He purposefully lowered his ecstasy hand power or else she couldn't able to hold back her orgasm.

"N-No I'm all right. You can continue washing and I might make some weird sounds during washing, please ignore them." Takaki was barely able to speak properly while holding back her orgasm and thought that Max doesn't know anything about sex, So she can at least doesn't have to hold back her moans too much and can able to enjoy it to some extent.

"Okay, It's normal to make noise during bath because of satisfaction." Max acted dumb as if he really doesn't know anything. He was also surprised that Takaki thought he might fall for this stupid excuse but then scratched off seeing she is not in a condition to think properly. She becomes muddle-headed holding back her climax but she discovered that other than feeling uncomfortable she is aroused by this feeling making her even more harder to hold it back.

Max moved his hands from her butt much to her disappointment but soon that turned into ecstasy because Max moved his hands onto her thighs. Both hands were rubbing her thighs from behind, His hands move towards her knees and then his hand bend inward of her thighs and started sliding toward her crotch.

"Will he go there?" Takaki felt his moments and her expectations increased as Max's hand moved closer and closer towards her lower lips. Her excitement reached its peak, Her vagina begging to be touched by Max.

"Yes, just a little more." Her breathing becomes more rapid, She couldn't able to wait to be touched by Max because his hands were only inches away from her vagina and that distance slowly decreased as Max's hands keep moving towards her volva until it's only one cm away from it. Takaki closed her eyes wanting to enjoy being touched by Max but all her excitement dropped when Max hands quickly changed their direction towards the side of her waist.

Max held her waist between the gap of thumb and fingers from both sides. His thumb was on the side of her back and his fingers were on the side of her stomach, Then Max move his hand up and down as if he really just washing her body. Then slowly started to move upward towards her ginormous breast.

When Takaki felt his hand leave from her crotch, She felt empty inside. This feeling is like as a child receiving a box of his favourite toy he always wanted it but when he opened it turn out to be just a book on subjects that you did not even interest.

Takaki couldn't able to decide whether to beg Max to touch her or make up some excuse, So Max will touch her there but in her thinking, she didn't notice Max hand moments.

"Max you know the right way to was- AHHHHH UHMMM *Squirt* Ahh *Huff* " Takaki was about to use some stupid excuse like you have to clean it from inside of something but her words were cut short by an intense orgasm that she never has before She even squirted her love juices which never happened in her life.

"M-Max *Pant* Yes keep doing it like this AHHH YESS MAX*Huff* " Takaki then realize the source of her orgasm, She didn't know when Max grabbed her boobs and pinched her nipple making her cum this intense but she didn't get angry at all, on the contrary, she encouraged him to pinched harder making her cum again.

"You like that right?" Max put his lips close to her ears and whispered to her.

"Y-Yes I like it, no I love it *Huff* " Takaki was in full bliss, Being able to have an orgasm after holding all this time gave her the feeling she never felt before it's completely new to her yet she wanted to experience more of it.

"Wait what meaning of he saying this? Is he acting all this time, Then that means he wanted to tease me like this." Takaki realised what Max said after she clams down a little and started to rationalise her thoughts, Thinking if this was true then they can go even further. Just imagine this she started to get excited about it and start hoping to be this is truth.

"Really? That means that girl is not lying to me huh." Max have a very sly smile on his face. He also wanted to do it now but he have to wait for to make the right conditions before doing it with her or his backyard will be on fire.

"Huh what? Which girl? Can you tell me? Is she your girlfriend? If you have a girlfriend why don't you tell me? Can I meet her? Where does she live? Is she from your school? Or From somewhere else? Is she beautiful? How beautiful is she? Is she more beautiful than me? " When Takaki heard his words, her face turned white and all her bliss and ecstasy were replaced by fear and jealousy, She turned around to face Max and fire a barrage of questions at him at once. She really fears that someone tainted her precious son and if that's true she is ready to her connections to make her life living hell.

"Whoa this much question at once, Slow down a little mom." Max acted as if didn't see obvious killing intent in her eyes. If that this time he really say someone's name even before sunrise she will be found dead. That's the power she holds in her hands. If it's weren't for Max hidden guards she might even send her own people to "protect" Max from other girls using any means necessary. This is also the reason Max have to make preparations like this if not he might have to choose between her or his other woman which choice he didn't want to make.

"Don't change the subject, Max, Tell me do you have a girlfriend? Is she good?" Although she sounds like she is really curious about Max girlfriend but her voice carries a slightly cold tone. If not for Max sharp sense he might not be able to detect it.

"Worthy to be a CEO of Winchester enterprises." Max thought this because he noticed the way she was able to hide her true emotions to get the information she needed which was completely different from the airhead way she was acting just now. Max couldn't able to guess which was the true her but then he concludes that both of them are the same but she only show her weak side to Max and for other its high cold CEO.

"Forget about this now, you help me wash my body." Max didn't answer to her questions because there aren't any he just make up a story for his next plan. He stands up and started to undress himself, He first removed his shirt then his pant and lastly his underwear in front of Takaki.

"No Max I need to kn- *gulp*" Takaki still wanted to ask Max to answer her questions but all her questions shoved down to her throat When she looked at a Max divine rod that threatens to tear through heaven just inches from her face. She was surprised looking at its perfect size, Which she had never seen before in her life, even in those videos she use to watch to ease her loneliness don't have close to this one. She really wanted to touch to see how it feels and thinking about its being Max it's aroused her even more.

(A/N: Sorry I couldn't able to write fast enough cause the scenario in my brain his happening so fast that my writing ability couldn't able to keep up with it, forcing me to take a break, again and again, to sort my thoughts to continue writing. I try my best to come up with some solution for it.

Thanks for reading and have a good night😁.)

Note: By the way, if there is something you don't understand or think is out of character for it, you can message me I explained or fix it, Also don't forget to leave comments being it's good or bad doesn't matter, That would be great help and motivation for me to keep writing.😊