Unnoticed Signs: Part Three

After hearing of her old friend's attempt at attacking the pack, Esme realised it was time she made contact with her mum. She had been in her own little world with Ethan that she hadn't reached out to her, but in their relationship, it was relatively normal for the pair to go without contacting one another for long periods of time. On that note, she walked into town on the first spare moment she had following the pack's attack. It was four days later when things seemed to have calmed down.

With Bryant, the Delta of the pack and her faithful bodyguard by her side, she set off and roamed the shops. Unlike some towns and cities she came across, White Sands Bay's population only consisted of werewolves unless a mated pair had a human, though human mates were still extremely rare. So, an attack from giant beasts would not freak out the civilians in such a town.

"Where would you like to go, Luna?" Bryant mind-linked her; he was at quite a distance from her. Since what happened at the beach between the Alpha and Beta, she found a lot of the male pack members were staying clear from her unless it was essential they needed to converse with her. She didn't blame them; if Ethan could hold Callum of all people by the throat, then no one would be safe.

"I feel like getting a coffee. Here," Esme held her black card out for Bryant to take, "get something you want as well. I want to stay in the sun a little longer. Oh, and don't barge to the front of the line, Luna or not; there are others waiting to be served before me," She smiled as he took the card from her; he kept his gaze low and on the card only.

"As you wish," Bryant bared his neck and strolled into the coffee shop she stood outside of; the small ding noise of the bell alerted the workers to a new customer. At first, the queue started to back away for the Delta to move to the front, their gazes glancing in her direction. But Bryant waved his hands and told them to chill. It was a shame really, Esme knew she would get on well with her Delta; he had a very calm and quite clumsy personality for a giant.

While Bryant was queuing, Esme casually strolled to the payphone across the street. She pulled the black phone back, slotted in the coins amounting to at least a five-minute phone call, and began dialling her mother's mobile number. There was only one number she memorised, and that was her mothers.

Esme waited, listening to the phone ringing and glancing at the coffee shop and nodding her head in greeting civilians as she did so. Luckily, on the night of the rogue attack, only Alpha Ethan, Beta Callum and Gamma Grant were aware that the attack was led by someone she knew. If it was revealed to the pack, then it would raise suspicion on her even if she was all 'lovey dovey' with the Alpha.

They would never trust her.

On the eighth ring, the call finally connected. "Hey mum, I am just checking in. How is everyone? I heard Marcus came for a visit, but I missed him. How come?" Esme asked, glancing warily on the street. Luck may be on her side as it wasn't busy, but she still couldn't exactly say out loud: I heard Marcus and some others tried to attack the White Sands Pack.

"Have you forgotten the reason why you were sent there, Nyx" Her mum scoffed into the receiver; her voice was full of disdain.

Esme wasn't expecting the best greeting considering her mother's thoughts on the pack's abuse of power, but it would have been nice to hear her happy. Yet her tone reminded Esme of who she used to be, and she started to shield her emotions once more and block the bond from her mate. Ethan did not need to feel any strong emotions from her; hopefully, he was not tuned in to her and would not notice the small wall she placed between them.

"Instead, I hear you found your mate," Her mum spat at the word mate like it was something disgusting. Well, she needed to chill because her father was also her mum's mate. Though she didn't want to think about that right now. "Marcus already confirmed you will be of no use to us. So, what we do is of no concern to you now."

Esme blinked at her mother's words, she should have expected as much, but it was still tough to hear. Swallowing past the lump forming in her throat, she replied in a flat tone, "Is Marcus okay?"

"You never cared for him before. Why start now?"

Esme bit her tongue; it wasn't like she never cared for him but could never show any weakness in front of others. As much as they fought, Marcus was her weakness. Nodding her head, she looked back at the coffee shop and saw Bryant opening the glass door, holding two take out cups. "Are you disowning me then?" She asked in a monotonous voice. She already knew the answer.

Her mum hung up on her, and the phone went dead.

That was an answer in itself.

"Is everything okay, Luna?" Bryant mind-linked her. The Delta obviously heard the last question she asked her mum and the ending result.

Esme nodded her head in response, controlling the conflicting emotions inside of herself. She knew her mother would never approve of her and Alpha Ethan, and she could never return to her, but it still shocked her. The woman who brought her up looked after her, taught her right from wrong and the harsh reality of their world... turned her back on her daughter.

Bryant stopped in front of her, handing her the cup of coffee and the black card. Esme robotically put the card away and sipped the coffee, her hands holding onto the cup and enjoying the warmth seeping into her skin. Even though it was hot outside, she felt cold. Esme took another sip, closing her eyes and savouring the taste, trying to push past the memories of her and her mother surfacing in her mind. Without a word being said, Esme started to walk in the direction of the beach, Bryant following behind her quietly.

Once again, Esme found herself sitting on the golden sand. She held onto the cup in both hands, her arms relaxed on her bent knees as she stared at the calm sea, the seagulls flying against the sea breeze and squawking loudly. It didn't take long for Ethan to find her; he sensed her saddening mood and comforted her as she told him about being disowned by the only family she knew. Ethan already knew her mother was a rogue and didn't like packs, so he, too, didn't seem surprised.

He held her tightly from behind, his warm embrace healing her numb body and whispered in her ear, "I'm your family now, and soon we can have our own pups."

Esme knew he was comforting her though his words did make her heart stop beating. She never responded to the mention of children; she was only twenty and he twenty-six, but luckily it was never brought up again until her twenty-second birthday. But by then, Esme was a completely different person and never had any intention of raising children with such a man.