Battle Bar: Games (1)

After finishing their meal with lighter topics and Esme's milkshake left untouched, the pair set off towards the other side of the building, leaving a tip for Sally, whose wages would be cut from the spilt milkshake. Esme felt closer and more comfortable with Leo now, and it seemed they returned to normal where the occasional flirt didn't mean anything more between friends.

The pair stopped upon entry and examined the large warehouse-style bar with areas caged off, spray painting on the walls and neon lights pointing to different gaming areas. Esme stared wide-eyed, thrilled at moving her body in a way that didn't end with someone's life or her being chased. She grinned up at Leo, genuinely happy, and he took her hand, pulling her towards the reception area. The lady standing behind it smiled at them, her cropped light pink hair almost glowing underneath the blue neon light above her that read, 'Battle Bar'.

"Welcome to Battle Bar. Have you reserved any games or just here for a drink?" Miss pink hair asked politely.

"I booked three games.." Leo replied, and Esme tuned out of the conversation while assessing the area. Her habit of seeking out escape routes was embedded in her mind and taking over. Even if she was to have fun, it didn't mean danger was not right around the corner. She had to always be on guard-

Leo pulled her by the hand again, and they were off, following behind Miss pink hair. Esme checked out her outfit approvingly; the girl was in black combat trousers, boots and a crop top, matching with a beanie on her head and tattoos down her arms. The term hipster came to mind. Pink hair waved her hands in the direction of a caged area with a single light bulb dangling down from the ceiling, which somehow kept up the appearance of the warehouse look. All the tables for table tennis were sectioned off, and Esme could see other groups in the different areas.

"So, here we are. You get 45 minutes, the timer is down the side," Pink hair pointed to a digital scoreboard with a timer that looked like it should be used for basketball. "But if no one comes by, then it's fine if you play for longer. We're pretty chill here; as long as there's no drama with other players, then it's fine. But you have other games after, so I'd try and stick to the allotted time. Last but not certainly not least.. Enjoy!"

Miss pink hair gave them a key to unlock a large chest labelled table tennis equipment in the corner and closed the metal gate behind her. Esme automatically reached her hand back to stop the cage door from closing, but Leo stopped it for her. "Leave it open, please. I'm a little claustrophobic," He smiled at the attendant, and she nodded her head, letting go of the door.

Esme's heart had been pounding so loudly in her ears that it took Leo's second attempt at calling for her to pay attention to him. Esme released a breath she didn't realise she was holding and let her fingers feel the rubber band on her wrist, the one that was still holding onto Leo. She flinched and drew back, taking steady breaths as she assessed the cage, telling herself to stay in the present.

"You're not there, Es. And Leo is here.." Isana's soothing voice floated across her mind, and she relaxed.

"So," Esme started, still walking around the large cage and avoiding Leo's gaze while the noise of her heartbeat grew less. "Are you any good at table tennis?"

Leo unlocked the chest and pulled two bats and a few balls out, placing them on the blue table with a wicked grin. "I'm alright." His smile had a hint of a challenge flashing across his eyes, making Esme forget her angst altogether as she focused on what she presumed would be a fun game.

They set up across from each other, and Leo acting the gentleman, let her serve first. Esme knew she would probably win, but she had to control her movements, so she didn't seem.. not human. Ah, the pleasures of having human friends..

The pair warmed up for the first few minutes, lightly hitting the ball between them. She didn't know what sort of loser Leo was, but she knew from how the pace picked up that he was competitive. Then soon after, where Esme had been winning easy points from how slow his reactions were, he suddenly hit the ball powerful enough to ping off the table and graze past Esme's ear and hit the cage wall behind her. Her lips parted from the smirk on his features.

Esme narrowed her eyes and grinned.

Bring. It. On.

They hit the ball back and forth between them, the tempo increasing, the occasional powerful hits that each were quick enough to block against. Esme was still holding back, but she could see Leo wasn't anymore. He hit the ball so that it curved in the opposite direction. Esme reacted before she could slow down and smacked the ball back at him, hitting him in the stomach. She covered her mouth with her hand then bit her lip, trying not to laugh as he groaned.

It couldn't have been that hard, right?

"Are you.. okay?" She held off from laughing and rounded the table, placing the bat down.

"That bloody hurt!" Leo groaned mockingly. But he pulled his black shirt up, revealing his rock-hard abs beneath and a faint red mark in the shape of the ball. Esme pulled her eyes away and started chuckling again. "How rude, laughing at a man's figure. That hurts, Es," He wiped away an invisible tear.

Esme patted him on the shoulder, "You have good abs. Right.. now that your ego is repaired.. Should we call it a game? I think that got a little too intense.."

"I think it was you who got a little too intense," He chuckled after closing the chest and heading off in the direction of the bar. Esme followed, pretending to wipe the sweat off her brow again to make herself more human before waiting for the bartender.

They were served almost immediately, the other women now forgotten at the bar. Esme instantly felt their glares until the man leaned forwards and pressed his finger into Leo's chest, looking at him like he was something to eat. "Now what can I get youuuu," He purred, grinning at Leo's surprised expression.

He ordered with a flushed expression, and they walked off towards the pool area quietly. Esme looked back at Leo and could still see the puzzlement on his features. "Was that the first time a guy has hit on you?" She asked, assessing his face as his neck, face, and ears went a light pink.

He sipped from the pint of beer and placed it on the wooden barrel behind them, avoiding her question. "It was! Wasn't it?" She teased, grinning widely. "Well, at least I know now how to get served quickly is to bring a handsome man with me." She winked at him, and he shook his head before setting up the rack on their appointed pool table.