Einar's Visit: Part One

Esme's head snapped in Einar's direction, her footsteps slowing as he smiled sadly. Her brows arched together as she tried to work out what was going on inside of that head of his. She didn't know Einar well, but there was always something familiar about him that made her comfortable around him and somehow trust him. Which with her track record, never happened; the hybrid beside her was powerful, and even Gabriel warned her about him, and they were considered friends. But why was he looking like that?

She let go of his arm as they stopped and stared at one another. Einar's mystical eyes almost sparkled with worldly knowledge, cheekiness and what looked like a glimmer of sadness. But that flickered by swiftly, hiding whatever emotions he was truly feeling. "Why would someone crushing on me annoy you?" She asked, raising a brow questionably.