The White Wolf: Part Two

Isana growled and bit down on the hunter's arm, snapping it clean off, ignoring the screams, their voice changing into a garbled mess after she clamped her jaws down on his neck and ripped the flesh away. The black wolf's snout and black lips were now doused in blood. She stared at the vehicle flipped over on its bonnet and yawned through a whine. 

"Es, I don't know where the other hunters are," Isana complained to her human, who decided to take a nap. It was past midnight, and they had been tracking the hunters down since they spread out earlier after the rogue attacked the other two cars. 

The black wolf sauntered away from the overturned vehicle that had been making its way onto a dirt track. Isana followed it while putting her snout to the cold earth and smelled for any scents she recognised. She picked up the pace, jogging and raised her head, scanning the area and scrunched her nose when the smell of burnt tyres and smoke filled her nostrils.