Thread of Fate: Part Three

Esme lowered her knife and fork and stared at the warlock, waiting for his lips to turn into a broad grin or to laugh his comment off. But as the seconds passed by the more, she realised Einar would not joke about something like that. They were in a relationship? Betrothed, though? 

Esme leaned back in her chair, tapping the serviette against her lips. 

"Betrothed.. to get married?" Esme asked rather dumbfoundedly. 

Einar nodded and cleared his throat, his eyes becoming somewhat cloudy as though he was no longer sitting at the table but to a past she did not yet remember. "It was based on a mutual understanding. You were going to be forced to marry Count Radcliff, a middle-aged man unless a better suitor with more money could sweep you off your feet. Of course, a warlock with a few hundred years under his belt tends to have an almost unlimited amount of money.." Einar smiled, looking lost in thought.