Taming Ethan

[ Esme ]

The small bathroom had one bulb that flickered a yellow hue across the dull grey-coloured tiles full of grime. Esme stared at the shower curtain, the water running behind it, pitter-pattering against the sheet and the tub of the bath. She didn't care about how awful the place was; she had stayed in many places similar since escaping Ethan, but what made her nervous was the man standing behind her.

With her hands still bound, now in front of her, Esme either had to ask Ethan to strip her down and wash her or ask nicely to remove the cuffs from her wrists and ankles. But in such a small space, Esme could feel his presence like a chill to wind on summer days. He was just.. there. His large physique made her feel small. 

What would he do?