The Bloody Snow Pack

Weeks later, Gabriel drove their SUV through icy dirt tracks lined by tall pine trees. They were more in the wilderness than Esme had ever been before. She stared outside the window as snowflakes reflected and landed on the already thick snowy ground. With the ultimate quiet and beauty of what could have been another world brought back memories of the night her mother fled with her. 

Before her mind could continue down that 'rabbit hole', her phone rang, and she instantly flipped it open after seeing the caller id. "Marcus!?" Gabriel looked at her, then back at the road.

"Hey." He sounded tired and a little nervous. "I just needed some time, you know. I'm.. Look Nyx.. I can't say I'm sorry for killing Camilla. I can't.. I know you must really hate my fricken guts cos at the end of the day she's still your mum-"