Taste of Vengeance (2)


Leo parked on the unlit street, hidden in an alleyway. He sat comfortably, watching the feed on his laptop. He'd been observing the vampire lair nearby for a while. He'd already been given the details about his latest mission, but if he wanted to continue doing this job and living, he did his job diligently. There could be no room for error.

Gabriel was the same. The details in this folder were immaculate, but if Leo relied on others, he wouldn't have survived so long. So, he'd been watching the vampire's movements, taking note of different escape routes if need be. He planted a camera on one of their victims before they'd been abducted and taken into Kari's lair.

Leo should be trying to save people but he knew in the long run, once this mission was over, that was one more place safe from vampires.