Too Easy

"The only student with a perfect score, is yet again Kaito..." the teacher called out with a hint of indifference.

All the students in the room turned their heads to look at a Kaito sitting in the back of the class, which was carelessly looking outside the window, then they looked back at the teacher, who gave a low sigh; "it's like he's not even here".

The teacher continued telling the class about how well they scored in their last test.

The sound of the students and the teacher's deep voice loudly reading out names and results faded away as Kaito looked outside. He knew that he had scored perfectly, he always did. Nobody was surprised any longer, this had been a pattern following him for all his life.

He had skipped normal classes, gotten into the most prestigious schools, and always he had gotten perfect scores without lifting a finger.

"You're a genius!" , "you're a prodigy" and "You'll go far in life" are all sentences that Kaito has heard before; from his teachers and from his father's colleagues.

Although it was true, Kaito never felt proud over hearings these words, He has always felt that life has granted him nothing but boredom, everything was too easy.

The bell rang and the school was over, Kaito stood up and straightened his back and as strands of sunlight touched his messy white hair, the female students couldn't help themselves and glanced at him discreetly. Kaito was quite handsome and radiated a noble aura.

His father Arthur, was one of Tokyo's most famous businessmen and had built a multi-billion company since he moved to Japan 20 years ago.

Arthur had raised Kaito in a strict fashion, teaching him how to dress, how to move, how to speak and how to looking confident.

His upbringing had shown result as he got looks of admiration, jealousy and even interest from both male and female students as he walked out of the classroom.

Kaito walked home in silence, alone. He no longer had any friends as the ones he used to have drifted away from him, partly because he got moved to different classes that were supposed to be more challenging and partly because of jealously; jealousy that Kaito was much smarter and had a famous father which alienated him from the rest. His friends faded away and left him all alone.

Kaito didn't think much of it, it didn't bother him being alone. He found humans to be complex and hard to solve; not like any math problem, he thought humans were irregular and above all he found them to be irrational and unreasonable.

This all resulted in Kaito never trying to find new friends, and not holding on to the ones he had.

"I'm home!" Kaito called out as he took off his coat and hung it on the coat hanger, while taking his shoes off the housemaid hurriedly told him "your father wants to see you".

For no more than a second, Kaito's eyes shifted from an icy cold gaze to an expression of surprise, his father rarely spoke to him, he was busy with his work most of the time. His glance quickly shifted back to his regular indifference as he replied "I understand, i will make my way to his office".

"I see you're home, how was school? today's the final day, right? your teachers has told me that you've done beyond great". Arthur was a good father, although he didn't have much time for his son he tried his best to be there for him.

Kaito's father also knew very well that his son scored perfectly at every test, and that was also why he called him to his office this day.

"Kaito, my son, i have let you enter the best schools and the hardest classes in all of Tokyo, and you've exceeded everyone's expectations".

"You would be the best candidate to be the heir of my company, everyone I've met agrees to this".

Arthur looked his his son, met his cold gaze, not filled with sorrow, not filled with sadness, but filled with boredom.

"But i don't agree with their opinion" Arthur exclaimed "I can see that you long for something else, although you might not know what it is at this point, i'm sure you'll be able to find it".

Kaito looked curiously at his father sitting behind his mahogany desk, what could his father mean by those words? "I don't think i understand father" he replied.

"I have a deal for you Kaito", Arthur's face darkened as he looked as his son, "I will grand you access to an apartment of your own and give you a large sum of 150000 dollars" he paused and looked his son who was listening intently.

"If you don't find what you're looking for after 1 year, you'll come back home and start learning the way of the family business".

In Kaito's eyes there was a glimpse of excitement. Arthur once again looked at him, leaning forwards him as his leather chair squeaked slightly. "do we have a deal?"

"Yes" Kaito said while slowly nodding, as if he was lost in thought.

"Good!" Arthur said with a smile on his face while leaning back in his chair, he threw a set of keys to Kaito which his son easily caught, "Find what you're looking for, find something to rid you of your boredom!". Arthur exclaimed while flashing a childish grin.

Kaito smiled back at his father, and then turned to leave.

He had been given the chance to find something that could rid him of his boredom, he would make the most out of this opportunity.

He quickly packed his bags and set off to his new apartment. Being 20 years old, he'd never had to think about getting a drivers license as he always had a private chauffeur.

But this day he felt like he wanted to take the whole long walk, Kaito had entered the address of the new apartment on his phone and was following the GPS like a soldier marching into battle.

All the while he was looking around him, complex people with complex emotions were walking around, hurrying about to get the trains or buses as this was late afternoon on a hot summer's day. Everyone wanted to get home, this included Kaito. He wanted to know what it felt like living alone; living his own life.

Close to his apartment complex he walked past a wall full with digital commercials; thin screens filling the whole facade. On the biggest screen a text flashed brightly; "PARACOSM: Online" It was the soon to be released full dive virtual mmorpg game.

Kaito had of course not missed it, every news channel talked about it's release, In the current year of 2047 everyone was playing the full dive games where you could put on a helmet in the real world only to appear in a game world a few seconds after.

Although Kaito had never played any game before, his eyes automatically found their way to the commercial, he stood for some time, just staring.

All of a sudden a new feeling entered his heart, a feeling of excitement. A glimpse of determination entered his eyes, he wanted to play this game.

With a new goal in mind he entered his apartment, it was already sorted out with all the necessities, a bed and sofa.

He opened the refrigerator; it was was stocked with food. Kaito smiled as a thought of his father "he knew i was going to accept the deal, nothing slips past him".

When Kaito was done unpacking his bags the sun had set, he got ready for bed and when he laid down to sleep he smiled. Everything was planned for the next day, he was going to buy the full dive gear and start a new chapter of his life, in the game "PARACOSM: Online".