What's Happening?!

〈Mana full! 25/25〉

He stood up and looked out to the field, a fire had been lit in his heart and his eyes were filled with excitement. He started walking toward the nearest rabbit.

The Rabbit saw Kaito walking towards it and bared it's sharp teeth, looking intimidating. Kaito just smiled at the rabbit and a dark mist began dance around him as he continued his stride.

A few players that were in the field stopped and looked at Kaito walking towards the rabbit.

"It looks like that player doesn't have any weapon on him, what does he intent to do against the rabbit?" one player asked openly.

That's when they all spotted the purple mist coming out of Kaito, "Oh! he's a necromancer, poor guy. I've heard that class sucks" one player remarked

"Let's see we what happens, he might need help, playing a useless class isn't easy after all" A player said as he sat down to watch the spectacle.

The rabbit charged and jumped towards Kaito, but just before the rabbit reached the target a skeleton appeared in front of it and countered with a well placed uppercut.


The rabbit flew up in the air and the skeleton jumped up and spun around mid-air kicking the rabbit down into the ground, leaving a splatter of blood where it landed.



The rabbit was momentarily stunned from the impact and couldn't dodge the furry of blows coming from the skeleton.




Suddenly the rabbit come to it's senses and jumped back, it was bloodied and looked at the skeleton with fear in it's eyes.

〚GreenWood Rabbit Lvl.1(enraged) HP: 3/30〛

The skeleton looked menacing as it was hunched down, slowly circling the rabbit, ready to charge at any moment.

The players that had watched the fight were shocked "What's happening? i read that Necromancer was supposed to be weak? That skeleton is decimating the poor rabbit" a player exclaimed, looked around at the others for answers.

"Yeah.. i don't know man, that skeleton is dangerous. I've seen necromancers try to kill rabbits before, this is something else"

They couldn't take their eyes of the fight that was happening in front of them.

The Rabbit charged towards the skeleton as desperate last effort. The skeleton stood still and at the last second it sidestepped the attack.

The rabbit landed but before it could turn around it felt a cold sensation spread throughout it's body, the coldness of death. The skeleton had used it's bony fingers to impale the creature.

A soft glow of pixels began emanating and were flowing upwards as the skeleton stood up and looked at Kaito.

〈Killed GreenWood Rabbit Lvl.1!〉

〈acquired 1 rabbit pelt〉

〈Gained 3 Experience!〉

Kaito was smiling, finally he felt like he had solved the problem. He was so excited and happy about the current situation.

The onlookers were dumbfounded, they saw the man standing in front of the disappearing corpse of the rabbit with his arms crossed and a huge smile on his face.

Behind the man there was a skeleton hopping around clapping it's hands which only created a rattling sound. The undead looked happy and the scene would have been quite wholesome if it wasn't a skeleton with blood on it's bony hands.

Kaito was oblivious to the looks that he and his skeleton received, 'I only need to kill one more rabbit to level up' he thought and started to look for his next target.

He saw a rabbit and his skeleton charged towards it, not in a mindless fashion like the other times, The bony creature stopped in front of the rabbit and waited for it to lunge forward.

〚GreenWood Rabbit Lvl.1 HP: 30/30〛

Once the rabbit attacked, the skeleton rolled to the side and quickly followed up by kicking the furry creature away with all it's might.


The rabbit slammed into a tree and was left dazed.


The skeleton quickly moved up and pummeled the creature with it's fist, tearing off fur and flesh as blood was splattering around them.




The rabbit regained it's wits and was about to dodge out of the way when the last hit fell upon it's body.

〈Killed GreenWood Rabbit Lvl.1!〉

〈acquired 1 rabbit pelt〉

〈Gained 3 Experience!〉

A flow of light particles was flowing up towards the sky, these battles had turned into a one sided slaughter. Kaito saw a message appear before him-

〈Congratulations! You leveled up! Lvl.1!〉

A warm feeling spread through out Kaitos body as a blue glow surrounded him.

〈Receiving 10 stat points!〉

'10 stat points? let's see where i should place them' Kaito looked at the window opening up in front of him.

〈Opening up: Character Stats〉

⤜Character: Insane⤛

Level: 1 Experience: 1/250

Title: New Player

Race: Human

Class: Necromancer

Faction: None


Health: 75 (Gets raised by 25 for each level)

Mana: 25

Strength: 5

Vitality: 5

Agility: 5

Intelligence: 5

Unassigned points: 10


Raise Undead Lvl.1 (becomes stronger with intelligence) ﹀

Cost: 25 Mana to create 1 undead

Current limit: 1 undead

»Passive Abilites«﹙2﹚

〈passive ability: The Link〉﹀

You are connected to your summons, Your mind and feelings are the driving force of their actions.

〈passive ability: Meditation〉﹀

You have sat down to regain energy multiple times, this has further allowed your body to draw more energy from your surroundings when meditating. (Increase in mana regeneration)

Kaito looked at the current stats and thought carefully on where to allocate his points.

'It seems like each point in Intelligence raises my mana by 5 and mana regeneration by a slight amount, it also seems to make my skeleton a little bit stronger' Kaito pondered, tapping his foot into the ground.

He put 5 points into intelligence, raising his total mana to 50.

'I probably won't need strength, i believe that stat would be more interesting for fighters'.

"Vitality wouldn't be a bad idea, raising my total hit points and health regeneration" Kaito mumbled, putting 2 points into vitality, raising his total hp to 95.

He had received 25 health points from leveling up and 20 from putting his stat points into it.

His body felt a bit weird, as if it had just become sturdier.

Kaitos eyes moved to the agility stat. 'i should probably put a few points into this stat, so i can move around faster and escape if i need to'. He nodded to himself and put 3 points into agility.

"let's see now" -

⤜Character: Insane⤛

Level: 1 Experience: 1/250

Title: New Player

Race: Human

Class: Necromancer

Faction: None


Health: 95 (Gets raised by 25 for each level)

Mana: 50

Strength: 5

Vitality: 7

Agility: 8

Intelligence: 10

Unassigned points: 0


Raise Undead Lvl.1 (becomes stronger with intelligence) ﹀

Cost: 25 Mana to create 1 undead

Current limit: 1 undead

»Passive Abilites«﹙2﹚

〈passive ability: The Link〉﹀

You are connected to your summons, Your mind and feelings are the driving force of their actions.

〈passive ability: Meditation〉﹀

You have sat down to regain energy multiple times, this has further allowed your body to draw more energy from your surroundings when meditating. (Increase in mana regeneration)

Kaito looked satisfied and closed the window. "Let's give hunting wolfs a shot, shall we?" He looked at his skeleton who was sitting down in the grass, it was picking grass straws and looked bored.

His summon then looked up at Kaito and stood up, ready for anything. 'It's gonna be hard to get used to my skeleton doing odd things sometimes' he thought as he began to walk, his skeleton following after.

The players that were still watching the necromancer and his skeleton saw as Kaito disappeared into the forest.

"Aren't there dangerous wolfs inside of the forest?" one player looked around at the others.

"Yep, that guy won't survive for long" another answered

The first player shrugged as he went on to start killing rabbits once more.