Can I be happy 1

"Here we are… now close your eyes"

"Why should I close my eyes?"

"..J..just close them, I will tell you when you open it."


"Rai we came now, please close your eyes."

"…all right"

I agreed to close my eyes because Miko was insisting, but this is a bit childish if you think about it and also he put one of his hands to close my eyes and is standing behind me. What will I do if he inadvertently looks at my hair?

"Very well now give me your hand and be careful."

"...Why all this stuff, seriously is not that closing your eyes will give any magical effect to everything."

"Maybe, but I still want you to be amazed by what I will show you and always remember it as a wonderful experience."

"Of course, as you wish."

"Hmm and also this doesn't remind you of the time when we wanted to escape the village vendors, the first time we met?"

"Ah in the dark alley where you did not know what 'personal space' was."

"Wh...what, wh..where is your mind going, seriously."

Pfft look at how he blushes with just for a single comment, probably because now he is doing the same thing, but of course, Miko's attitude towards me changed drastically from the moment we first met. Of course, we didn't know each other well back then and now that I think about it it was a bad start. Miko didn't trust anyone and certainly not a child who went out to steal food from an old man who couldn't move from the place. But day after day, month after month, in the end, he gives me some confidence and behaves well. Although I can't tell him more about myself.


"..yes what?"

"We are here now. You can open your eyes now."

Oh wow, this place is, it's wonderful. It was certainly not something rare to call it a "world miracle", but a calm nature like this, not caught by human hands, gave a beauty in itself. A large and green field surrounded by trees on all sides and the sun that was leaving between the mountains gave a unique spectacle. A hidden and 'isolated' place among the trees, but still felt free to stay in it forever. I think the sunset gives a great beauty to nature, it is really beautiful, it looks like...

[Doesn't it look like a pool of blood to you too?]


[A pond, closed on all four sides and filled to the brim with blood]

Who… who are you? Why are you telling me this? Stop!

[Do you think it would be a nice scene to watch? Hahahah]

Enough...please stop, get out of my head. STOP!

"ai… Rai, didn't you hear me?"

"Huh? What...what did you say, I didn't hear you"

"I asked you how it looks like, it's a beautiful place right?"

"Ha yes haha ​​is the most beautiful place I have ever seen, Miko tell me how did you find this place?"

"When you made that strange request to me one day to look for a spice, I think parsley or something like that, I went here and…"

What was that? It looked like someone was talking to me. And the thing he told me, and that voice...what am I?

Were those my thoughts, did I think that? Am I going mad with the memories of this body appearing to me every night? I don't want to lose my mind like this. I want to live and spend such moments with people close to me and not go crazy and die like a monster played by his own mind.

"… And that was the part that impressed me the most when I was exploring this place alone."

Miko, will you be ok with a person like me next to you? I don't want to think about what will happen if I lose my mind completely. Huh ?!


"A pond?"

"Pfft, not just a pond. Hahaha, Rai why aren't you a little cute and say 'wow how beautiful, a small pond in the middle of a field, is amazing' or something like that, you are very negative."

"You could say I'm realistic. And that's what little kids say."

"Aren't we little kids?"

"Oh sure, maybe it's better to say, normal kids. Oh, look at some flowers."

Rai seriously. Being a slave does not make you an abnormal person. I don't know what you went through in that place. You talk in your sleep every night and then you wake up scared. I can't cure the pain and fear, but at least I can show you such places to make you happy and be safer next to me no matter how little.

"We are both children, we can't have a good house and luxury, but it does not make us less happy than others who have them. At the moment we only have each other, the sky, and the road to show us the way, then we will see where life will take us, and maybe, one day we may miss these moments we spent as kids.

Miko's words were true, but Raeliana was different from other children, from the moment she opened her eyes to a completely different world, to the body of a child who knew nothing but pain, she had lost something precious. She knew she would never be completely happy and if she did she would have to carry a heavy burden of secrets. The only way not to push Miko into her despair was to smile and make small conversations from what she remembered from her world.

"Miko do you know that you sometimes say really wise things?"

"Hey, I have a brain too you know?"

"I know everyone has it, but sometimes I think you lost yours."

"You… come here."

"You think you will catch me, I run faster than you and you know that."

"Let me bet, if I catch you, you will do what I say."

"Hmm and if I win?"

"Is the same thing."

"How useless, you do whatever I say anyway"

"'s for the food we need, I'm telling you about something else, nothing comes to mind?"


"Why do you look at me like that, with that face you really make me feel guilty. It looks like you are thinking of something inappropriate."

"Me? I think you just thought of something inappropriate."

"Ack you can just do whatever you want, but only if you win."

Why does it seem to me that I am at a disadvantage here? I will not enjoy the victory anyway, but I don't know what request he will make, so I have no other choice but to win.

"Sigh okay I agree. Let's see if you can catch me or not."


I am running with all my might. As fast as the wind is making me dizzy. How strange, at the moment I am not running for my life, the tension is the same, the goal is the same, not to get caught. But something is different, I will not suffer pain if I lose or make a mistake. But Miko told me that I should do as he tells me. I have many things that I keep secret and he should not know. If I lose, I may lose something more precious than just a secret.

"Huff…… Rai enough, stop I can't. Let..let leave it at that. Rai!"

This body runs very well, how many times has this body had to run away in difficult moments.

"You couldn't catch me, so I won."

"Haa I know, I accept the loss, even though I wanted you to do what I say for one day at least. And Rai you run very fast, maybe one day you can take part in a race. I will bet for you and we will become rich. "

What I did now was not a special thing, I have done it so many times, that they cannot be counted. And I know this will not be the last time.