This bracelet seems suspicious! 1

Amira seemed a little strange as she was walking away, she kept staring at me. I could ask her but it would be better to let them leave in peace because it is better to work alone than with someone I have constantly over my head.

All right, let's get down to business and start doing some good work. It's inconvenient to work with a dress in a garden but I couldn't ask for a suitable outfit out of the blue because no one would bring it to me.

Dress, I'm sorry but you will get a little dirty, well something has to be sacrificed when you do something you like right? And anyway, Nasya has given me a lot of dresses, and most of them I haven't worn yet, but this one has light colors so it will look very bad when they see me later in the room covered in dirt.

It was weird at first when I saw that her clothes fit me too, we have a year difference from each other and we grew up in different environments so I thought that we would not have the same body size, but it happened that maybe I was a little healthier for street life or Nasya was a little skinny.

The sun had reached the top, it might have been three or four hours since I was working in the garden trying to remove the grass.

Sigh, this is tiring, it seems as if I have done nothing. The grass I removed I had placed it in a place where I would collect them all and form a pile, so that when the gardener came he would find them easily and remove them, or since Amira told me that sometimes he would go to the stable he easily can take them and feed the horses there.

Even the end of my dress is covered in mud now, I know I didn't care at first, but now it looks like I hear Annie's endless nagging, and seriously with all this work I have done and with the sun over my head burning me and making me sweaty, I don't want to hear anything. If I ever meet that gardener I am gonna give him a piece of my mind. Lazy bastard!

Huh?! Did I hear something? They look like steps coming from this direction, are they Annie and Amira? They must have been bored and came to check on me. Or maybe it's the voice that spoke to me from before, he really said we'll meet again soon.

To my surprise, the person was none of the ones I thought, among the flowers came an old man, though his hair and mustache are gray, from the face and body posture he must be in his sixties and by the way from his outfit he is definitely a worker at the horse stables. He stood still and started looking at me.

Since he was not reacting and was just looking at me without saying anything I turned my head and kept working.

After a while when I was going to move to another place he was in the same place where I saw him before staring at me.

Old man, if you have nothing to say or do then leave, you can see that unlike some others I am doing a job and I don't need a man over my head who looks at me constantly.

"Why are you watching me?"

But he didn't move or say a word this time either. Just staring.

Argh, this is starting to irritate me.

"What you can't speak, if you don't have something to do you can leave, I'm not here to give you a show, and you who look at me without saying anything are getting on my nerves."

I hope he understands what I said and gets out of here. Now that I think about it what is an old man doing in this mansion? As much as I try to remember, I don't recall that there was a character in his sixties who is deaf and dumb working here.

"Hoho, since when did the Rapha's start cleaning the gardens of the aristocrats?"

What did you say?

"Magnificent creatures described only in legends who terrorized people from all over the country a long time ago, now their offspring are plunged into the mud and doing in ordinary work."

Aha, so this was of great interest to you, that you are sitting like an idiot there, seeing how I, a descendant of those whom you call magnificent creatures, ended up like this. Where they gods or something? And what if I'm doing a garden cleaning, should I be ashamed of it?

He didn't stop and continued with his insults to Rapha's, but they didn't impress me that much because anyone here hates them and I can't change the mind of anyone that I am different.

What bothered me the most was that he was also insulting what I was doing with pleasure here. I'm annoyed, but not showing interest will make him leave after he's done with the mutterings!

After a while he stopped, maybe he realized that I was not paying any attention to what he was saying.

The man approached Raeliana, grabbed her chin, and smirked, looking at her face now that her bangs had covered her eyes.

"What, did the cat eat your tongue? A little while ago you spoke with so much confidence and now you close your mouth and continue collecting grass. What a beautiful face, if you didn't have this hair you could probably be a normal girl and the boys will come after you to ask for your hand in marriage. Too bad you are a Rapha."


"Tsk, you little, who do you think you are ignoring, I will show you how to respect others when they talk to you."

"[Are you done?]"

"Huh ?! Wh..what?"

I couldn't see her eyes before because of her bangs, but now that they are shining I can see them very clearly. But did Spencer say that the problem had been solved from day one and that Rapha couldn't do anything to us, then what is this? I can not take my eyes off her.

"[I've been listening to you for a long time now and what I noticed was that you are just a coward hiding behind people's back and you came here to give me a lecture about my ancestors and the place where I ended up. Do you really think that you are in a position to criticize me when you cover yourself with horse poop? I can still smell it, it's disgusting just like the person in front of me.] "

Raeliana grabbed the wrist of the hand which had grabbed her chin, and squeezed it with all her might, the man gave a shout of terror, but she didn't let go of his arm until his bones crack.

It broke so badly that the bones came out and the part of the palm was hanging in a thread. The blood was coming out without stopping and it seemed that he was in a critical condition, but Raeliana didn't seem to care about that, she had shown interest in this man's reaction. Then she let go and the man fell and wrapped himself up trembling and crying his right hand which was already out of use.

"Now tell me, why all the time when I had your arm you were looking at the bracelet in my wrist as if you were praying for a miracle?"

Sh..she saw me? How is it possible that at the same time that she was breaking my arm she also had time to see me praying that Spencer's words were true?

She is a monster, the breaking of my arm and the blood didn't impress her at all. Her eyes are looking at me from above like an emotionless statue getting ready to give me my judgment. No, I can say nothing, that must have been a secret.

"*Sniff*...*sob*...I don't know what are you talking about. I didn't see anything."

"Hey, I'm still angry. So tell me what this bracelet does, [before I broke your other arm]."

The sun is behind, then why are her eyes shining more than the sun itself, am I hallucinating? No, I don't want to die like this, I heard that lady Corttes likes this Rapha and I'm a nobody here, so if she kills me nothing will change, she will live while I'm dead. No, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!

"I'll tell you, I'll tell you! Sob...sniff"

"Hmm! Go on, I'm listening, but if you lie…"

"No no no I swear, I will tell you everything I know."