Meeting with the Marquis 2

Calm down… Calm down Raeliana don't do something you will regret later, nothing is resolved when anger is in control of the mind, it will only destroy what I have started, and I am not ready to take that kind of risk.

I was looking around and I could see that Nasya and some others were in a panic while the person causing all this was sitting in the same place doing nothing. I don't know what the marquis was thinking at that moment and everyone in the room was amazed by his sudden action. Everyone knows him as a quiet person who does not act hastily, so my question is: "why did he do this, to provoke me?"

'Well, you could say it works, and in order not to show it, so the rage is eating me alive.'

I did not expect this, even when I heard the cup that hit me on the left side of the forehead even though I had to feel immediate pain, my brain and body were frozen and it made me think it was not true.

'How could it be, he is not a child.'

But as soon as I heard Nasyan scream and also from the blood that came out sliding down my face and dripping on my nightgown I started to believe that it was true and I didn't know what to do with the rage that I felt at that moment. A strong feeling inside my chest that wanted to come out, I wanted to do something to make me feel better and take my mind off the pain.

Even as Nasya and Spencer move around the room to clear the mess, the Marquis continues to look at me the same way and seems to have no regrets about his action and I also held my same position and looking him straight in the eye without any kind of empathy, even though the blood and some small piece of the cup were still on my face, I didn't want to show the pain at all, only hatred, I wanted him to know how slanderous he was.

'I want you to suffer, at whatever price I have to pay, I will definitely make you cry for mercy.'

"How boring!"- he said contemptuously and then got up from his chair and headed for the door.

'So you finally decide to speak? You started to look really pathetic now that your game was over and there was nothing to do but look at me confused.'

"Nasya enough with that, do not forget who you are, a lady doesn't deal with such things. If you are worried leave it up to the servants to take care of your pet."

"But father, even your actions were not ethical, how can you throw a cup of hot tea in someone's face?"

His steps slowed down and he was shown all over his face that he didn't like his daughter's answer. After signaling to the servants who had come on Nasya's orders to leave, he went back to his seat and sat down in front of us.

'Looking at her now taking comfort from Nasya, she doesn't look any different from a normal person. At first glance, she is beautiful as a porcelain doll, a truly fabulous beauty for a Rapha, but only that collar makes her inferior to the others. Her amber eyes and position showed a really strong character, so much so it seemed as if she was trying to put under her knees all of her enemies. Maybe she feels superior that only she has power and we don't.'

Nasya is in a panic only for a few drops of blood from a disgusting creature like her.

'Maybe she really likes her.'

At first, I didn't think much about it, but Nasya's behavior was strange the day I asked her for an explanation of her action. That day she promised me…

"Father, I believe Spencer told you everything about my decision."

"Definitely, but the information that Spencer gave me is not enough, of course he told me that you wanted to keep a little Rapha that you just met near your room, but I don't know why you want to do something like that, don't you know that even though she just a kid she is still dangerous?"

At that time I wanted to know why she wanted that creature so close to her, in a way I liked the idea of ​​having a strong beast as a pet, that way when she grows up, she will be indebted to the kindness we have shown to her and will protect us from any kind of danger. Is the same as I did with Spencer.

But her ways were exaggerated, considering the place where this creature has stood before and especially the collar she has on her neck, the treatment as a guest, and then staying next to my daughter is more than anyone could have asked for.

"I know how dangerous they are, but father I guarantee that she is not like that."

"Don't joke around my daughter, I know for sure how dangerous those creatures are, do I have to educate you better about the history of our kingdom? You are smart so it is useless to continue this kind of conversation any longer, tomorrow morning I will tell Spencer to take that creature and put it to the basement or one of the huts in the north of the residence, the farther the better, your security is what interests me most. "

'She is silent. I knew that my daughter would not disappoint me and would not argue with her father. My daughter is well educated! '

After putting 'it' in a place, I will take measures for it to be trained and learn that it is under our control. It will be difficult to create some kind of trust between me and her, but it does not matter, we have all this time ahead and that will be enough to soften and increase the rage at the same time.

'Hehe, think about how many things we can do with it, even the royal family will not stop us with its army if we train her properly. Then my daughter will be the flower of the kingdom, the crown ruby, the girl that the whole world will want to ask for her hand in marriage, then our family will go down in history as gods. '

"Father I know what you want more than anything else, and I can tell you that my method is a hundred times better than yours."


I was so focused on the thought of victory that I forgot that my daughter was here. She said her plan would be a hundred times better, but I know my way is also good, and I also took it into account that we would have a problem if that creature doesn't cooperate and create some kind of trust with us.

"I have in my hands a powerful object that could stop her from using her powers, this way none of us would be at risk and she would have more faith in me and our family, in this way we will be protected and will win over everyone."

"What is that object?"

'If such a thing exists then the only ones who will be afraid of that creature will be only our enemies.'

"The stone in the middle of the bracelet is a Realmstone, it is an antique object that cast a spell to control the mind and body of the person who puts it, just like a puppet by removing its abilities or 'forgetting them' otherwise it can be called 'a cursestone'.

At first, that just stops the person from using his powers, since until now there was no one with magical powers this object was thrown away, but Rapha makes an exception, and when she wants to use her powers without my permission she is going to pay a price to make them activate."

"What kind of price?"

"I don't know what she's going to pay to stop the magic completely and use her powers without problems, but the more time she spends wearing it the more her powers will reduce, and when she wants to use her power again, she will not be able to, only I will be the one to let her act. If she decides to pay, then she will need a higher price for her freedom, like her life."

'Scary, where did she find such a powerful object. If we can control her like a puppet, it will be even better, but if something goes wrong and she wants to free herself, everything will go in vain."

"Are you sure this will work?"

"I promise father, that this plan will not fail, no one is that idiotic as to risk his life for something like that, it's more convenient to serve for me!"

That time I felt some doubt in her words, she was my same angelic daughter but something was off. She spoke only for herself, that the creature belonged and would serve only her. It gave me the feeling that I was not part of her plane at all and if I wanted to gain a place in it I had to let her continue with what she had started.

'I am her father, she wouldn't do something to hurt me, right?'

Also, she is treating that creature well and tried to stay close to her that time when I thought I had managed to provoke her, I could see her eyes shining with hatred towards me.

My daughter opposed? Maybe she is trying to help that creature so she can think like Nasya is her savior and in this way, my daughter will gain her trust.

If so, then I will come out as the bad guy here and with no doubt, she will want to kill me. But even this case can not be left without a solution and make the servants oppose us at the moment when we are not sure that Rapha will protect us.

And I was also a little skeptical of Spencer, he has always been a rational man and I was waiting for the right answer for this problem, but he left me speechless when he insisted that 'that creature' should not be killed and from his words, it seems as if one of our employees had provoked her and deserved it as long as he knew with who he was messing with.

This was not rational on his part, but every employee of the mansion indeed knew that Rapha lived here and was free to move wherever she wanted. Maybe he took our message that she could do nothing to anyone as a weakness of hers and wanted to show his values.

Either way, I didn't expect that even my daughter and my most loyal servant would be on her side. This will make the judgment a little harder but I still have to make a decision.