Two princes 3

The fast-moving carriage, the sound of horseshoes that drown out the peace that has taken over us, leaves no room to think calmly about important issues. How could I make the time to go back in those moments when she was close to me leaning in my shoulder? Maybe I was so focused that she was safe beside me that I had no room to think about anything else.

'Haah, this is boring, I should have faced that girl when fate allowed me to act freely. How dare she show her face here when she knows what he did to her? But it's too late now.'

"Brother, did you hear that a little while ago?"

"... Yes, and what if I did?"


'He is hesitating to answer, but I know what he means.'

What does it matter now, if I had the strength to turn back time I would do it thousands of times just to have the opportunity to meet her again, but something gives me hope to continue searching.

I have a premonition that she is still alive! If she had died in that room, trapped and burned in the fire, I would have died too, but I am still alive so is she, maybe ... somewhere out there.

"Why did you react like that, I could feel your dark desire a mile away, what would happen if she felt it too?"

"Are you an idiot or what!! Only you and I can feel it in the distance. If someone else felt it, it will be just the person who comes in contact with me, and that force starts to break their will little by little until It takes over the soul and body, but she was just fine. It would be better if she felt it though, that way she would pay for what she did."

Alastair when did you start creating such a big wall around yourself? You are driving away anyone who tries to approach you. Maybe it is for the better, life in the palace has brought you only worries and you have never had a moment for yourself. If one day you find what you want, that day will be the time when you look at the light in all this darkness that has covered your soul.

"However, you shouldn't torment yourself. Using that force consumes a lot of mental and physical energy, one day it will manage to hurt you too, so be careful!"

He gave a deep sigh. He was reluctant to talk to me, but I waited for his response in silence.

"... I know!"

I would love to help him with what he has started, but I don't know what he wants.

'The only thing left for me to do is to stay close to you in case you need me, even if I can just be a morale booster.'

But still, the people around just like us make plans for their own benefits and our father has started to move.

"Alastair, do you know about father's plans? I think it affects you the most."

"Sigh, I know!"

He looked upset, I believe it is not a good thing. Of course, our father's plans are never pleasant. What does that old man have in mind now?

'I want to know, at least I should support my brother.'

"What is it, can you tell me?"

"... He is planning a marriage with the neighboring kingdom."

"Oh is that so ... wait what?!"

"Calm down Jonathan, if you move so much you will make the carriage overturn."

I can't believe that he is doing this, my brother is still young! I know that in the royal family everyone gets married at a young age, but this is absurd. He probably wants to keep him in check with an arranged marriage because Alastair has started moving in search of something, and maybe that scares him.

He never loved us and now he acts as a loving father seeking for his children happiness...with a marriage? Tsk hypocrite, the only thing he thinks about is how to get a new concubine whenever given the chance.

'How dare he? And why is Alastair so quiet about this? He must oppose and show father his place.'

"Jonathan, do you believe in me or not?"

"What this question all of the sadden? Of course I believe in you, we are brothers!"

"Then do nothing and leave it up to me to resolve this, I promise you that I will take care of everything."

"..I wanted to do something, but since you are going to take care of it on your own I shouldn't get in your way, so all right!"

He gave me a warm smile and caressed my head. Ever since we were little he would do this every time I did something good to congratulate me. But somehow he looked sad.

I had always thought that my big brother was like a hero and I wholeheartedly wanted to one day become like him. But a copy can never be compared to the original, and neither can I. I can't compare myself with Alastair.

His greatest talent is to make people bow before him, so he is right! If I leave everything in his hands and I don't get involved in this, maybe our father will have the same fate as everyone else.

'But I thought of you as a hero brother! With all my heart I believe that you will do the right thing. Then why ... why do I see such a scary smile on your face Alastair?'

'I can't talk to Jonathan about such a thing, he would not understand me, and maybe he'll think I'm out of my mind.'

The more I think about it, the more people are getting in my way and remind me of everything that they did since I was born till now. But I can't eliminate them yet. It would be foolish to open a war on the aristocrats without any proof when I have no power to stop them.

'Sigh, what will I do with such a little power? Is hilarious that at the beginning I thought that I had enough to have everything I wanted. Guess I was wrong!'

I need more, so much so that even the emperor himself will it be nothing compared to me. And to do that I need to take drastic measures, let's play the good kid who hears his father's words one last time. This way, the thing that I have planned for him will be more painful.


Time passed and everyone had started to feel a new era coming. The aristocrats were getting ready to party, their daughters would make their first appearance in society and their heirs would receive the respective titles.

Everything seemed more prosperous even to ordinary people. They seemed more relaxed and proud of the work they did. They were happy and the name of the first prince, whom they knew as their savior, was always remembered among them. Although certainly in small cities it wouldn't be the same.

Almost all of them of the younger generation had begun to think about the future of their lives, some were planning revenge for their enemies, others were left alone with nothing to face with what lay ahead, some were preparing for their duties after receiving the title and some had finally found a place to be free ...

'Sigh, I didn't know that one day I would find myself among these beautiful flowers. This place is quiet and free from any bad thoughts.'

"Where is this girl?"

'The sun that falls on my face, the scent of flowers that calms my thoughts, and the wind that blows lightly and makes my hair move in the air, everything makes me feel like I am in heaven.'

"Where has this girl gone to now, I can't find her anywhere? Where is everybody?"

"Hey, why are you yelling so much? I could hear you screaming through the attic. Did someone piss you off in the city or what?"

"Have you seen her, I have been looking everywhere?"

"No, I haven't seen her in quite a while, but she is probably in the meadow."

I want to live here in this beautiful place forever, there is no one here to look at me and make me feel bad about myself, but still, something made me feel uneasy. Everything seems very quiet and reminds me of the days in that room.

I don't want to go there anymore! in that miserable condition that I can see nothing but darkness that follows me everywhere. Stifling silence that left me breathless every time and loneliness that almost lead me to insanity.

When I have these kinds of thoughts and sometimes even nightmares about the time I was there, I always come here to this great field, where there is no limit, and enjoy everything that catches my eye. Flowers, mountains, and houses that are far away from here and I think everything I went through in that room was just a bad dream that is already over.

But as soon as I close my eyes, I can see this place with this beauty untouched by the hand of man, with the great serenity and support it gives to my soul, will be destroyed quickly. And nothing will be left of it, only a desolate wasteland covered by the bodies of warriors who will take part in the war.

Nothing will be left behind, and maybe we will be mixed up in that war as well and we will end the same as this place.
