I can’t run away anymore 2

She was fortunate enough that she found Spencer and then eventually me, I know for certain that if the soldiers come here and find her, then it will be the end for us. But I can not let her wander alone or let her stay in that forest because I know how it feels when you have no one to trust in a foreign place.

Unlike me who was reborn here, she lived her life in that kingdom, with her own problems and couldn't do anything without power and with that fragile body, so she was the target of many envious people who wanted to take her place.

After that, she asked about my life. It was hard because I didn't want her to feel sorry for me or to think that everything would one day be fixed, but she listened quietly to the end with a face full of curiosity.

When I finished, I could see that her trembling pink eyes were filled with tears. I didn't want her to shed tears of pity for me so I got up and left her alone to calm herself down, but she took my hand and said: "It must have been really hard for you! You are a strong person, keep living and one day people will see your worth."

I didn't want to hear those words. I could feel a great pressure on my chest that took my breath away, my eyes hurt and I wanted to cry.

They would probably shatter my soul and every last hope I have to keep going. Because if I let everything to fate and cry to her words, feel pity for myself and my life, then why am I trying so hard when one day, magically everything would be better? I don't need those words, but I appreciate that Mireya somehow wants to raise my morale.

After we started living together she wanted to give her contribution at home. She is fifteen, so three years older than me, but she always pointed it out and tried to behave as if she was responsible for everyone even though she was cuter and shorter than me.

'She did all the work this time too. Spencer will scold me if he looks at me standing idly in the middle of the meadow. Sigh! At least I can think better here.'

[You are the first person I have seen to be so lazy!]

This guy is at it again.

'You think so too? But you are not in a position to talk about my laziness when you stay inside my mind all the time. At least keep your mouth shut, I'm trying to think!'

[… I don't think this brain of yours will find a solution to our problem even if I stay quiet.]

I will go crazy in no time if he says something to me again.

This annoying voice doesn't let me think calmly twenty-four seven, his name is Raphael and after that time when I lost unconsciousness in the city he talked to me non-stop.

At first when I was asleep, it was a shocking experience, I thought I had lost my mind and I was trying to fight with something I didn't even know if it was real. It was as if I wanted to escape from myself in complete darkness.

It was good that I heard his voice at the beginning when I was unconscious, otherwise I would have really thought I was going crazy, and he kept talking to me until I fully woke up so I was less shocked when I heard him.

His voice was disordered and more or less sounded like a beast. It reminded me of my voice when "that thing" happened, as well as the time when I went with Miko to that field.

That time it was him, he said that disgusting thing that gave me goosebumps.

When he spoke that time I was scared by my own self and started to question everything that surrounded me, the people, my mind and this world. But this time his voice made me feel a familiar warmth or maybe something that from me is long gone.

[It seems that now you can hear me better than the other times I have spoken. Maybe because you stopped fleeing from yourself or it happened because that girl gave you some strength.]

"What are you saying now?"

[It amazes me that during all this time you have only been able to hear fractions of what I have said, and the moment must have a meaning in this. Now you can hear me very well, but why couldn't before?]

'I know! I used force to knock down a pillar and make those men run away. Even the amount I used was not as large as I had used before, so that couldn't have been a trigger… maybe the bracelet ​​did something. Something that might have broken the "wall" that kept us apart, or maybe something has changed inside me? '


'What, are you not going to talk now? It's fine by me anyway, it gives me more time to think alone!'

We must act quickly, a war will approach soon and that would find us totally unprepared. This place and these people can't be saved, at least I can only ensure the lives of the two people who stand by my side.

But even to save the lives of two people is difficult, they will not follow me just because I say so, I have to find a reason, better a plan to make us leave this place since I definitely can't stop the war from happening.

[Are you sure going to the tiger's mouth is a good idea? We are Rapha no one will accept us if we live among them. The only possible thing is to stay away far away.]

Of course, there is some truth in all this, but only up to a point. No one has accepted me so far, and those who have done it have been those who wanted what I am and not who I am. But I can't live like this, waiting for the disaster to come. Running away will not solve anything either because someone has always found a way to catch me.

'I have no other choice Raphael, the only way to protect myself and the people around me, who care and love me, I need to act and take my fate into my own hands. Now more than ever.'

[Hmm… then what do you have in mind?]

'You are going to see! But I can tell you that the first thing to do is to convince Spencer to do something for me that he may not like, but he will have no choice. After what happened to him, he also needs some kind of opportunity to free himself from the guilt. '

We will start tomorrow. I know he wanted a chance for revenge, for himself and Roan. But what should I say to him to his desire to awaken?


All this time I thought I did what I had to do. That maybe I had no other way to get what I wanted.

Still, I think this is for the best. Now I can always see a smile on Mireya's face, it fills me with happiness and makes me feel calmer every time. Spencer is also doing what he likes and that takes his mind off my plan.

Now I have a more beautiful room than Nasya, maids who follow my every order, and a beautiful house with a garden that I spend the same time as in that meadow.

I remember many things from that place, maybe because I was not too long ago, but one was my conversation with Raphael. He sounded irritated with everything I said, but what he said: [You need to expose yourself to what awaits you. If you want to help yourself and others around you, you can stay in the dark as you have done so far or move forward and find your destiny.]

Those words were something that made me believe in myself. Maybe because I didn't expect anything from him. But saying something that would motivate me? That was cute from someone so aggressive as him.

"My daughter, are you two used to this house?

"Somehow your grace, but you don't have to do so much for us. Having a roof over our heads and maids watching over us is more than enough."

"I'm glad, but ... You and Mireya will have your birthdays soon, she will have the of coming of age ceremony and on this occasion why don't we make a party to celebrate both, your birthday and my opportunity to have two successors. "

[Isn't this a good idea? By accepting this you can take the next step to achieve what you want.]

'Calm down Raphael, this is a tempting offer, of course, but letting others know that now I'm going to be part of this rotten aristocratic society has its downsides. The eyes of many people will be on me and Mireya from that day on, they will ask where we came from and how we got here. I can take this, but what about her feelings?'

I was able to catch a sight of Spencer's face behind the actual butler and he was trying to show me something. I am not completely sure about what he wanted to say to me, but I can't lie, what he was suggesting was not a bad idea.


"Oh yes, pardon me, your grace!"

"What do you think?"

"About that ... I was listening to you carefully, but we must also think about Mireya's opinion. This is a good thing for us and for you your grace, but it will come at a high price. We will be in the eyes of everyone and probably unpleasant words will be said about our origin."

"If anyone says something then you should come directly to me. I will not leave my daughters…"

"Still, I want to talk with Mireya first before making a decision."

"… I-I understand. Then I'm waiting for your reply."

"Thank you grace!"

[Are you sure you are going to let this offer go to waste?]

'This is not going to waste, I just don't want to look greedy in front of him. He has a lot of power and putting us to the test is necessary for him to know what people he dealing with. If we continue like this, maybe one day we will be able to gain his full trust.'

He is keeping the three of us here for free, at least we have to do something to justify this good he has done for us. And the time that we got to accept his proposal is short.

[I don't understand your logic. Didn't you want the power to take revenge on those who did those things to you years ago? By accepting his offer, you will have the power not only to send them to hell but also to create a happy life for yourself and your descendants, without having to reveal your identity.]

'It's easy for you to give opinions Raphael, but it's hard for me to keep them both alive with me. I don't want anything bad to happen to them because of me.'

Mireya is my light, I wouldn't exchange it for anything in the world. Spencer on the other hand, saved my life and has always stood by my side even though he hate me, like a big brother I have never had.

If they are unhappy, that would be my fault. But if someone makes them suffer because of me, then I will take this world to hell along with me.