What are we going to do? 1

Is this some kind of torture or something?

"Oh my, miss your hair is so soft and silky, what products did you use to make it like this?"


"Ow, uhmm... is that so! Their color is very beautiful, and also it matches your skin color. The red strands at the end are also beautiful, especially when you curl them."


"Yes-yes, our miss is so pretty and a hard worker, we are so lucky to serve her."

Lies! They are all lies, I can see their motives within every word they say, I can feel their envy. But despite their words, I don't consider my hair pretty, I hate them because every time I look at the mirror, they let me know that I am not hosted anywhere. I feel like dirt every time I see the red color spreading even further!

"Miss, you're ready now."

"Oh, okay let's go!"

Both of us and his grace will spend time together outside. This is a good chance to talk, I don't have much time to waste, our birthday is approaching and we have not yet made a clear decision whether to accept his offer or not. It's a good thing for us to have so much power at our disposal, but is it the right thing to do?

Even though I try to think that the decision is in our hands, and only we can choose whether we continue this path or not, there is still no way out of this now that we are here. We have to choose between being his heirs or going back to where we came from. But I have to make sure first.

"Greeting your grace!"

"Welcome Raelian, you can sit down now!"

"Thank you! I see that my sister is not here yet."

"… Yes she hasn't come yet, but it is not a problem to wait a little longer, she should come soon."

His gaze is different every time I see him, this time he looks more gentle than before! I guess he is expecting good news from this meeting.

[What is his deal?]

'Huh?! Who? '

[That white-haired guy on the back, is creeping me out with that look on his face!]

'Uhm, is he angry? I guess he doesn't like my little lie.'

Well, I don't blame him! When his grace showed up before me, I was under Raphael's rage and when it faded away, I had to improvise something. That feeling is still fresh in my mind and every part of my body, the moment when things would change was near.

[Hey child watch out, don't get distracted!]

'Sigh! It's too late now, I don't feel like walking anymore, I'm tired. '

[What, are you insane? You can't do this now, you said you will not give up and move on. If you are going to surrender now, what is the value of all this effort you have put on far? Tell me child, do you want to get out of this situation or not, just say a word and I will find a way.]


"So what my mom told me was true! Someone broke into our house without permission and was acting like someone who was not. You must know by now, that you screwed up the moment you set foot in this place. That person is really dear to me, so now that you've been discovered I want to know, where is she? "

[Child, we are running out of time here. Run, attack her, Do Something!]

"Huh? You still don't want to talk, are you dumb or what? I asked you a question, where is she, what did you do to her? If something happened to her, you are going to pay dearly!"

"… You don't need to know what happened to her!"


"Is not something that you can handle."

[Hey what are you doing, stop talking to her and think about a plan before someone gets here.]

"You, don't tell me… waaaah Isabella this can not be true! No, you are lying, you are definitely lying, I-Isa is?"

It was hard to face what came next, I would have never known that she would use violence to blame me for what had happened to Isabella. I could hear her crying and venting her anger on me by hitting me from all sides with her fist.

The guards heard her shout and started approaching to see what was happening. Then I couldn't feel anything, I was on the ground and her fists which should have hurt me, in fact they were not doing anything. I felt empty!

She kept hitting me and my vision started to fade. I felt something was flowing down my cheek. It was warm, but there were no tears. My eyes darkened and without realizing it I was in a place that I knew well.

I woke up to a noise. It sounded like a drop of water falling into a pond. As before, I could see nothing but my body. That place was the same as I remembered, nothing had changed except that it felt warmer than before. It was dark and my voice echoed from all sides, there I couldn't feel anything, neither pain, rage, suffering nor anger. And I kept hearing the same noise on and on.

'Why am I here? The first time I was in this place I thought I was dead and I was waiting for my judgment, but it didn't turn out to be true and later I opened my eyes to the real world. So what am I supposed to do now? Do I wait for me to wake up again as if nothing had happened? Or am I really dead this time and there is no going back? '

[Not that fast child, your time hasn't come yet!]

'Ow no, even here ?! What the heck are you doing here, where are you?'

[Well! I live here, I'm everywhere and nowhere, but you must have seen me by now. But the real question is, what do you want to do? You can stay here if you want but I can't keep you alive for long, because every part of your body and mind will disappear and you will join this darkness. But before it happens, you have to decide if you want this pain to stop and continue living where you left off, or become part of me. You choose!]

'I don't have anything to choose! Even if I want something, they will look for me and when they find me they will hurt Mireya and Spencer. Even if, I leave somewhere else and leave them behind, I'm not sure if they will find any connection between me and them. But even though is easy to run away, I can't leave them behind, M-Mireya is… '

[…Yes, I know! That's why I am offering you a deal!]

'A deal? What can you do if you are here with me? '

[I can do more than you imagine, don't forget that I am inside you now, you are the one who has left her and found shelter here. So you better hear what am I about to offer you, before you repent!]

Whether I accepted that offer or not, it wasn't important. Raphael knew what he was doing and was it was nice of him for letting me choose, even though he would have benefited more from this if I had not accepted.

"Okay, let me hear your offer, tell me what do you intend to do?"

[Hahaha! This is easy, you will give me the right to use your body for a while, just a little to clear the territory outside, and then you will be free to go out. You don't have much time before darkness does its job, so you only have to wait five minutes, and then you can leave. Deal?]

Just five minutes and then I'll go out? This is so unreal, how will the place look like when I wake up? I'll still be there, only Raphael will make it possible for me to leave, but my eyes ... I don't think I will be able to see after what happened, but I have nothing to lose if I try it since I'm still going to be alive!

'We have a deal!'

[Great, you did the right choice!]

All that time it was a terrible silence, I couldn't hear anything and I couldn't even feel Raphael's presence in that darkness. Now it was really empty, with only I remaining.

That place started to cool down after his departure. I stood there waiting not knowing how much time had passed, but one thing was for sure, I was still alive!