Which is true? 2

As the banquet was over and everyone had gone home, the aristocrats did not seem to have any objections and were even pleased with how the party unfolded. They enjoyed talking to others and discussing a variety of topics related to their children, politics and plans for the future. Of course, they didn't have the opportunity to meet any of the newly announced daughters of the duke, but at first glance, they formed a kind of thought about their character.

The words and thoughts that circulated about them never had anything in common, as long as they were based on details that people liked or disliked. They were all always different, depending on who had talked about them. Those were even praisings or insults, so those who could not attend the ball or were not invited were curious about the appearance and behavior of those two mysterious girls of the Phelter family.

But they were not the only ones, even some participants who had not had the opportunity to talk or introduce themselves to them both, were curious and wanted to get closer to them by constantly asking about the likes or dislikes of the two ladies.

One of them in particular among all the others who were interested in knowing more about them, was determined to seek out a private meeting with at least one of the ladies. But whenever he asked any of the maids or even the butler, they immediately turned him back with the answer that the first daughter was busy talking to other guests, while the second daughter didn't feel well so she left the ball. He even went that far as suggesting a meeting in her room, but of course no one let him in, so he left. And while recalling what happened, some of them started making fun of him, even his friend.

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself for going after children at this age, Edi?"

What do you mean, "at my age"? I am still young and even if non-of them sees me as a marriage candidate, then one of my children will be one. "

His friend was tired of Ediron's stupidity and foolish arrogance so he let it slide, since his wish would never come true. Duke Phelter would never choose him nor his children to marry one of his daughters. Why would he? Because of the hierarchy, Ediron was a viscount and Xerox a duke. But even if he had a higher status, he still laked in so many things, and even if he would earn more or create a better name for himself, his grace would not think twice before rejecting his proposal.

'Still, because it is Ediron, I don't think that his status's the only problem here. '

"Don't think too much about it and try not to cross the line. Whatever your intentions are, it would be hard to imagine them accepting your proposal. "

Irritated by Verona's words and purpose to make him give up on his idea, Ediron looked at his surroundings unable to spot someone passing by, started to yell and blamed him for his harsh words. Whatever he did to win or to make himself look better, Verona still remained indifferent to everything and just sat quietly looking at him with inferiority, like a child throwing a tantrum. Other people started to cross there and Ediron was still angry and waiting for an apology from Verona, others did not pay much attention to him, as if they were used to it, and continued on their way.

But one of them didn't do like the others. His proud walk caught the attention of the others and they started whispering to each other. Getting even closer to the place where Ediron and Verona were talking he stood and addressed him with an arrogant tone.

"Viscount Mezor, please stop raising your voice in the corridors of the palace! Remember who you are, there are other people here who are higher in range than you and it doesn't suit you to raise your voice in front of them. Not to mention that the queen is also in the hall and is waiting for you all to behave. "

As it turned out, after expressing the opinion of many others in his own words, he walked down the corridor joining someone else. Shocked by his action, Eridon forgets that he was still irritated and looks at his friend in surprise, "Just now, was that boy talking to me? Why didn't you say anything? ". Verona saw him and looked the other way sighing, he was tired of him and his role as a babysitter.

"'That boy', that you are referring to is Belgar's heir and he was talking to you. Unless he addresses me, I have no reason to be involved on your behalf."

Even if the young boy just told him to keep quiet and be aware of his surrounding, Ediron still stared yelling at Verona who did not care for him and his feeling and acted cold and indifferent towards him, making all the others with a headache before the meeting even started.

Meanwhile, at the duke's mansion, the atmosphere was heavy. As Raelian woke up and started to connect the dots about yesterday's party, she mentioned the body at the place they found her, making Spencer to acting strange and push her on the bed and making her feel strong pain in her arm.

'I never thought about the possibility that someday Spencer would have used force on me. He never acts on impulse and the timing is not right, since he knows that I am more concentrated on my hand that is burning like crazy than on a grown man trapping me on the bed. I know that I didn't say anything wrong and the fact that that girl is now dead can not be changed either. So even if he tries to stop me from believing in this truth or make me pay for what I did, nothing is going to change and I would still bear the weight of three ghosts on my shoulders for the rest of my life. '

At the time I asked him the question "Do you like or despise me?", I wanted to surprise Spencer and make him release my shoulders as an act of denial. But he was so surprised at what I said that he had frozen in shock and looked directly into my eyes as his soul left his body. Waiting for him to come to his senses so I could move or even breathe freely, changed to confusion and then anxiety, that he would drop dead on me and then I would have to take responsibility for it. I tried pushing him back and even calling him several times but he didn't budge, so I just staid there waiting patiently still in an awkward position with him on top of me.

'Please mother earth hear my call, open a hole on the ground and throw me there, please! I have to hold my laugh or he is going to get even angrier when he sees me like this. My mind goes to the time that he did it with Roan in that room and I just stood there with a tomato face… No, I can't laugh…I should hold it in!'

[You seem quite lively compared to the time you woke up. Don't tell me you are enjoying this?]

'Oh, now you decide to show up haa? Where were you yesterday, rearranging your furniture or playing games in the dark?'

I was really suffering at that rate. My hand hurt, my shoulders were sore and then I became frustrated because I couldn't punch something that is living in my head, so trying to talk with Raphael at that moment wasn't even an option. I tried to think of something else and look at pictures on the ceiling, praying to some of the animals there to end my suffering. Then I suddenly felt like I was still being pushed onto the bed, so I moved my eyes awkwardly on him, to only see his serious face back to normal. I was angry because he stayed like that this whole time, when I was trying so hard not to make things more difficult for both of us.

Still, I smiled a little and told him to move because I had to get ready before someone came to bring my breakfast, he looked displeased but at least did what I told him. That made me think that the conversation we were talking about before was forgotten now and I didn't want to bring it up, but I still wanted to know why he said "that" when I mentioned the body.

'Spencer sure is strange. Like now, sometimes I can't understand him at all. I said nothing wrong, I don't have to feel bad, so he is the one who should apologize to me.'

But I didn't receive an apology or even a glare from Spencer. Right when I got up and tried to fix my bandage, he stormed out of the room, leaving Irene and Piera confused. The two of them came inside and made me ready to go out, the entire time they were silent and didn't say a word about what they heard or what they thought happened. That made me less worried about my answer.

When I was heading to the dining room, I noticed that everything went back to how it was. Mireya who was still so bright and happy greeted me with a smile on her face and his grace, the same as every morning, was focused on reading his newspaper. Even if everything looked and felt the same, this time the three of us were sitting at the table as a family, but I didn't want to get my hopes up or lie to myself. Since this was just a business relationship between the two of us and him!

As we were finished and ready to leave, his grace told us to stay there and listen to what he had to say. Mireya was a little confused but she waited patiently for him, but I couldn't stand still. I was anxious that he would say something about what happened last night and then Mireya would despise and never believe me again. I was not worried about what would happen to me, but Mireya should never have known.

"Ahem! So the reason for keeping you here and not letting you go to your classes is because I need one of you to come with me to today's council meeting at the palace."

'Wait what, he is joking right? Why should we go with him to a place where those who are not members of the council are not allowed? And we just yesterday become his heirs, why are they gathering the council?'

After a whole night of celebrations and fun, a council meeting was held with all the representatives of every aristocratic family. The emperor who never left his room had authorized the queen to chair the meeting in his place, and this way she not only notified the representatives but also the heirs.