
I don't know how long I am supposed to wait here, and Raelian is nowhere to be seen. She told me that it was fine if I left her alone and I get it, she has other things on her mind right now that practically don't include me, and I know that I wasn't even invited to this meeting between her and the prince, but I want to be part of her life and that means that I want to know what is happening with her and why she has gone back to her old self again. Most importantly, why is it taking her so long? I am getting impatient and I feel a little left out.

"I wish I had someone to talk to or ask while I am at it."

If I can look around by myself while she takes her time to get here, that can make Raeliana worried when she sees that I am not here waiting for her. If I ask around and I somehow find him, and then wait for Raelian at the same spot, she is going to be super happy and perhaps she is going to praise me for the help! I can't wait to see it again, that same little smile that looks so effortless but is still so precious and adorable. She does not smile a lot, but when she does, it warms my heart and makes me want to give her the whole world if I could.

'Hehe, if I do my best and find him, it might be the same as giving the world to her! So now that I am hyped up with her cute smiley face, I can get to work and hope for the best. Starting with those boys over there.'

"Excuse me! I am sorry to interrupt you! I am a little lost and I would really appreciate it if you could help me find my way around here."

"Well, you should be sorry!"

"Right, we don't have that much time until our next lecture so you are taking us valuable time."

"I d-didn't know, I am s-sorry!"

'Uff, this is going to be hard, I didn't think from their side of things and if I am actually bothering them! But if they are not going to tell me, I am going to keep trying until I find someone who is ready to help that doesn't call it a bother or a waste of their time!'

"Hmm sure, but are you new here? Girls are not allowed on this floor and you are going to be in trouble if a professor sees you."

'It took me longer than I expected and I was getting tired of asking boys in different classes, so much that I thought that I would rather find him myself than find someone who can answer me back to at least be polite when he talks. But thankfully I found someone who can help me that is actually nice.'

"No, I am not a student! My name is Mireya Phelter, I am here to accompany my little sister, she is going to meet someone. No, I mean she got a letter from someone very important and they told her to come here today. I tried to find him on my own, but that separated me from her and now I am a little lost."

"Oh, sorry if I offended you in any way! So, you are doing this for your sister? I must say, what you are doing is quite thoughtful, but it is all right to leave your little sister alone while you search for this person? If you are worried, I can tell someone to look for her and bring it to you!"

Does he think that Raelian is a child? Well, she actually is younger than me, but I am so used to seeing her as the person in charge of everything, that I see her as a full-grown adult rather than a child that needs someone's help. I think that Spencer has the same thoughts as me when it comes to this, and we both feel her having this kind of energy that makes people around her look at her as an equal or perhaps more as a threat.

"I wouldn't worry about my sister, she is young but more mature and independent than me. And she is just one floor below us, maybe she has come to this floor as we speak."

"Hahaha! I know what you mean. I have a friend who I look at like an old woman every time she talks to me, and what's weirder is that I have known her since she was 6 years old and she has not changed at all since then. Basically, that is what makes us so close, because I know that I can count on her and her judgment. But let's not forget the matter at hand, you want my help to find a student in this academy and I am happy to serve, as long as I know the person in question!"

Great, he is well-mannered and polite, so for him, it wouldn't be difficult to know and show me the class of an important person as the first prince of this kingdom. I feel so good inside like I have accomplished something by myself. Now I can call myself Raeliana's right hand for helping her through this problem! Oh right, I almost forgot again!

"The person I am looking for is his highness the first prince, but since I heard from the other student that your next lecture is going to start soon, I am good if only you can give me the right directions, so I can pass those to my sister when she comes here."

Right, they have classes to attend and I don't want to put him in a difficult position where he has to think about his lecture and help me at the same time. That would make me the kind of person who benefits from the kindness of others, and I don't want to be a burden to a stranger. Raelian won't like it either!

"You mean, his highness Alastair Viotto Aleader? That first prince?!"

"…Y-yes…is there a problem with what I said?!"

Is it weird if I am asking for the prince from all people? I didn't think this through! Maybe this is unheard of and no one has asked about him before, that's why his face shows so much disbelief.

"Your name is Mireya Phelter, right?"


"Now I remember you. From the ceremony two weeks ago, right? Yes, duke Phelter's foster daughter, and ange…I mean, Raeliana's sister!"

Oh god, I am scared, he knows Raelian! Does he want our names to report us to the director of the academy? Perhaps this was why Raeliana wanted to look for him on her own without involving other people in this. What do I do now? Should I just say sorry and tell him to forget about this? He seems nice so maybe he can do such a simple thing!

"He is after her again. What does that person what from her now?"

I guess I can't do anything now, I never saw someone look so angry before, not even Spencer who is the only person I have seen to lose his temper…. Raelian come pick me up, I am scared here!


Why do I feel uneasy all of the sudden?

"Young lady, please be reasonable and think it again! His highness gave me an order and that's to bring you to him immediately. If I don't do my work properly and disappoint his highness, I am done for!"

Oh, that's why. He keeps begging me to close my eyes to this nonsense and act like I don't know what is going on here.

Axel Dormer comes from a powerful family from the east, which takes second place after Duke Akriste for owning the largest territory, and the fourth place if I mention the imperial family and his grace. I can not comprehend the idea of a marquis whose wealth is almost equal to that of a duke and both, duke Akriste and Phelter are not doing anything about it. I am not sure if here the income comes from the family inheritance or land holding, but even that, higher ranks don't want to have competition from a lower rank, and Dormer's are declaring a silent war on everyone on the higher rank. Rather than taking some precautions or fighting back like they are going to do in the future with the Corttes, they are letting it slide and maybe closing their eyes in front of this "problem".

But with the queen's help, they got so much more respect and profit than they would have even imagined or gained from just their land, and that must explain why no one is saying or doing anything. I picture the duke's and every other noble right now, they must be so annoyed and wish for Dormer's downfall, but too bad that the queen got their back on this.

If I remember correctly he is the second or the first-born son of the three children, which left his home to work in the imperial palace as Jonathan's tutor right after his brother Verona become the next marquee. I guess he got lucky and they assisted him as his aide after Jonathan entered the academy.

A character not that well known and Nasya didn't dive into his life that much after her last impression of him at her ceremony. So, from my only source of information, the knowledge I have about this person is not enough and the books didn't show me more about the aristocrat's family tree. I also can't judge him by only her impression itself, but now I am not in a position where I have that much time on my hands to confirm it or not.