There is no way out of hell 4

"Your holiness, your holiness, please save them."

"They don't have any fatal injuries. Send them to the doctor."

Now, this is intentional. They are doing this on purpose because I don't get how they come up with something new every time I try to do my job. First was a group of farmers that require my help in harvesting. They specifically wanted me to bless their land, so I did some random hand movement and left. After they were a couple of mothers with children that didn't stop crying for an hour straight and demanded me to heal them from their little cold. I just told them to go home and put on a compress until their temperature reduced and everything would be fine. Sigh. And now, they want me to heal soldiers. I can't do it, I don't have that kind of power. But even if I had it, these people like the fastest solution over thinking about one themselves. They are pathetic, lazy, and overall good-for-nothing human beings.

"I see that you are acting more and more like your brother, your holiness."

"What do you mean by that? We don't seem alike at all." Guil has followed me from the moment I stepped foot outside the house and is attached to me like a leech. I can't do anything out of character and he finds me even if I hide or run from him, he catches up with me easily. It looks like he is watching my every move and observing in silence.

"Yes, that's true. But his way of thinking has started to poison your brain and your holiness. Powers of the god himself were bestowed on you. To protect and flourish life in our arid lands. Your brother is leaving from the path of god, and voluntarily blinding his eyes to our suffering. You are our only hope. The only one that can still hear your desperate cries for help."

The way I see it, he is just using god as a poor excuse for their inability to think on their own. They can't do anything without help. He wants someone to state the obvious. He is even wearing her brother the rope of the devil for messing up her thoughts since I didn't go along with their stupid requests. If he was talking like this about my brother I would have given him a piece of my mind, but let's just change the topic for now. I don't have the right to state my opinion about someone else's life, even though I think that it is pointless and a loss of breath to give them the help they obviously don't deserve with this kind of mindset.

"Is there a war happening somewhere? I hear a woman crying and behind them is a line of a man caring coffins on their backs."

"They are coming this way, your holiness. Those lifeless bodies are seeking redemption and praying for a second chance in life. With your powers, you will take them out of their misery and also destroy the curs their slayer had put on them."

"?! What is this curse you are talking about?"

"It is death, your holiness. That's the worse curse of all. One, you can't find the cure, and two, you can't save yourself from that. But you can do both."

Nope, I cannot. I can't use my own power in this body and also these girls are out of my comfort zone. I am not a doctor, I am not a healer. I destroy everything I see. And he wants me, ME to bring someone from the dead? It is not as easy as slapping them on the cheeks one or two times to wake up, because that's impossible. And hiding from this guy is also a pain in the ass because he always finds me. I am stuck like this.

"Sooo, how did they die?"

"I have heard about some of them, but not all. I can guarantee that it is a really disturbing site to see. Do you still want to know how they ended up like this?"

Well, I am going to see them anyway so why not try to be informed beforehand? I will nod and see if I can handle it. If not, I am just going to tell him to stop and make a run for it before they come here.

"From my trusted sources, I know that two women or three men have a one-way hole in the stomach or chest. Apparently, the attacker was amitting for their heart and ripped those out of their body. I can not imagine how someone would make a hole in the stomach and reach for the heart without damaging the other organs, but thankfully they didn't throw it far from the body, so their life is saved. The other ones are a lost cause tough. Some of them are burned down to the core, and for some others, their skull is crushed open with limbs all distorted."

"H-how d-d-do you k-know all of this? H-h-has this h-happened before?" I am shaking so much I can't speak properly. He looks so calm that makes me think that this is not a one-time thing. But what if it was Rapha who did it? I am worried and scared at the same time because Raeliana is out there alone. This is a vision, but what if she dies here? Is there a coming back from that?

"Your holiness, please calm yourself down. Yes, this has happened before, but it seems like this time the number has increased slightly. Before victims were important people or just possessed numerous lands and wealth. However, this time the attacker is after random people as well."

*Gasp* I need air, I need air, I need AIR. The word 'random' is echoing in my head. Two women have been attacked, one of them can be…no…no…no…no…she is not going to die here. Why would rapha attack another rapha? That's crazy, don't think about it! Raeliana is strong, she can protect herself. And she is smart enough to back off in front of a stronger opponent. But what if she doesn't have her powers here as I do?

"They are here, your holiness. It is time for you to do your magic and save these poor souls from this accursed fate."

All that crying and screaming of the names of the people who had died stopped. They were all making eye contact with me.

Wishing to see something that I was not capable to do. That felt like I was being tested. Shivers went down my spine when I saw them smiling with their eyes wide open in front of all the bodies of the victims that were being pushed out of the coffins. As I tried to break eye contact and see the body's condition, I immediately wanted to throw up. That was even worse than Guil said. However, my eyes were full of contempt while seeing how happy they all were. I was relieved that non-of them was her, after that nothing mattered to me.

'I have to get out of this situation. But I also have to act like this girl to not draw suspicion. I cannot save these people! It is all useless, they are going to die anyway, so why do I have to revive them now? This is not my body. It is a waste of my and their time to keep them with a false hope that I can do it.'

"Guil, tell them to go back. I will not use any of my power over these bodies."

"…Pardon? You…What do you mean, you are not going to do it? They are here because they trust you."

'Lower your voice, you idiot. Why are you suddenly drawing their attention? Sigh. I think he did it on purpose, but whatever. Is not like I didn't have a plan B.'

As soon as they heard him, the crowd was upset and demanded an explanation. I took my opportunity and pointed at one of the bodies in the distance "Then I will start with that one. Guil, you have to bring it to me! I can't do my work around all those dead people." He was surprised. Everyone else also went quiet and turned to Guil in sync, staring in silence until he agreed and walked toward the body. I smiled and changed that one with another which was even further away from the one I pointed at first.

'Good boy. You are right where I wanted you to be. Now, this is my chance~!'

"Huh? Where did her holiness go?"

"She left just a minute ago."

"What?! Why is everyone standing here then? Go after her!"

Hahaha. This was so easy! Stupid, stupid Guil, when he sees that I am not there anymore, he will be so panicked that he will run in a random direction. He doesn't know where I am heading, so it definitely will take him a long time to find me. Probably the vision will have ended by then. Haha. This was like a child pla-y-y-y-y-y!

"Your holiness. Where are you going? Come here right now!"

Impossible. How? How did he find me so fast? There is no way he knew where I was going. He is closing the gap with incredible speed. 'Is he even human?' At this rate, I will have to go back there. Running in circles inside this damn vision. You will find Raeliana easily, he said. Right after you enter the vision, he said. Then what is this? Is this my punishment for being impatient? I just want to see her!

[Call child's name. NOW!]

Huh. Haha…I might have gonna crazy. The voice of that creature is ringing in my head telling me to call Raeliana, but I know full well that it won't work. I have been calling her name since I first came here and nothing happened.

[Who told you to call hers? You saw it in that letter, someone gave you the directions. Do it now or I will take matters into my own hands]

'What's that supposed to me-…'

There is no way. My body stopped running. I can't move. 'Hey, what did you do to me? I don't know the name. Undo it right this instant!'

"Y-your, your ho-holiness…pheww…why did you run? I-I thought you were going to help them. You agreed on saving those poor souls. Then why did you go back to your word?"

"I-I…" Damn it! Running was never an option, huh? And my body is also not responding. It was like it was glued in place. Thanks a lot, you disgusting thing! Now I have to go back there.

[Don't worry, I will help you with everything. You just have to scream a random name and I will do the rest.]

I hope this goes well. Guil couldn't make me move, so he picked me up in his arm and was walking back to where all of them were. I recalled the words in that letter, 'Call me. Execution is freedom!' Since that creature told me to call it, then I don't have any other choice, but to play along and observe. That's my only job, right?

I could still talk, so I was ready for the worst-case scenario. 'This will not go well' I thought each time I tried to say that name. But more I hesitated, we were going closer to the place where the bodies were all collected. I saw that place and my body started shaking, 'There is not much time. Now, I have to do it now!' I took a deep breath and used all my voice until my throat hurt. With all my might I screamed the name of the person I wanted to see. But as the creature said, he will take care of the rest and when I heard the name that I screamed, it was totally different.


I could start moving my hands normally after what I did, but at what cost? That name continued echoing in my mind. My head hurt so much, it was so painful I could hardly open my eyes. Still, I tried looking at Guil and he had frozen in place with his eye wild open. "Why did you do that?" he shouted and started running when a large explosion was heard in the distance. A high-pitched ringing in my ears become so intense that I nearly lost consciousness.

[Hahahaha…he is here. Finally! You did such a good job human.]

The creature continued laughing menacingly and my mind was a mess. 'H-he? Who is-…' but before I could finish my sentence, Guil seemed to have stopped moving. From his face he looked like a person who was out of his mind, ready to commit a crime. He threw me to the ground and started screaming like crazy. Crouching on the ground, rolling in the dirt, and hitting his head until his fists become red. I was speechless and couldn't understand what happened to him, and the creature was gone the same way he came, leaving behind only the sound of something dripping down.

Guil's body changed drastically. In a blink of an eye, he calmed down and his arm and legs had been totally twisted. He was screaming and coughing blood, crying and laughing while he looked at me. "Y-you killed all of them, didn't you?" But even though I thought that what I said created all this mess, those words were not addressed to me, rather it was to what was standing right behind me.

"…Hmph! I don't have time to waste on them, but are you implying that I did something as unspeakable as that?"

"Hahaha. Rapha, so are you telling me, that blood dripping down your hands is just cheap wine? And what are going to say next? That I am imagining my limbs being twisted? Stop joking around and just end this."

["Fine! As you wish."]

I couldn't hide my fear from what I just witnessed. As he said that with a half-distorted voice, Guil's limbs started twisting and turning. That continued until his whole body took the form of a ball. Then with the clench of raphas fist, Guil's body exploded, leaving splashes of blood everywhere. I couldn't catch my breath. I summoned the first known rapha and the only emperor in the history of four thousand years. His empire broke into three kingdoms after he died, but he is still a legend to this day.

'It is so quiet, and I can not see his hands anymore. Is he still standing behind me?'

I slowly turned my head, and he was there, looking down at me. From the half of that young-looking face was covered in blood, I didn't know if it was that dripping down into my forehead or his tears. Even though he had an air of authority around him, which somehow felt familiar, he was smiling so gently. The ends of his long bangs were bright red, and his eyes were the same as Raeliana's when she changed on the balcony. They were pitch black, and all around his pupil was a shining gold circle. He leaned down until our foreheads were pressed together and said, "The time has come, and one of us has to get his freedom. But you didn't belong here in the first place, so now you have to go."

His image was slowly fading right before my eyes along with everything else that created that world. After I woke up everything was hazy and felt like my soul just came into my body, and I could finally breathe. Raeliana was also next to me, and she woke up a little later. But something wasn't right. I couldn't remember anything that happened inside the vision except for little things here and there, and the moment I saw those warm, gentle eyes in tears. Those were not the eyes of a monster and neither of the proclaimed raphas out there are. However, something kept bothering me, 'Why did he do that? Those tears, that expression. He seemed... at peace!'