The day of reawakening

On what I am getting myself into? Why were they in such a rush? Taking the part of the mediator was nerve-wracking and exhausting when the person involved was my own brother. And he also left me with so much work to do for him. If I would have had another option, I would have chosen the one where I had to stay out of this from the get-go, but now I have to be quiet and do my work properly.

'It is simple, your highness. I am asking about your brother's, the first prince, hand in marriage.' That is what she said, and even though it is an absurd request, it gives me some kind of relief that the one who heard it was me and not my brother. It would have been a fun thing to watch if it was him, but with his personality, I am afraid that he would have gone to church immediately after hearing that, even if he had to drag her there by force.

And him suddenly missing was not planned, while I who knew where he was had to shut my mouth and see all the trouble it caused inside the palace. At first, I thought that she did something to him and came right away, and now look where he is. Both look lifeless, yet still breathing peacefully like they are seeing a beautiful dream.

"How long has he been staying like this?"

"They have been in a coma for twelve days straight. The doctor that came to examine them, except for the first day with the internal bleeding problem, he couldn't find anything concerning with their health or the cause in general."

So, do we just have to wait and let time fix this? The girl didn't have any injuries, but my brother had one broken rib from last time which was getting better, yet they both had the same problem. The only reasonable explanation doesn't give me a reasonable solution either. Because if they fought and used their powers, one of them would be fine and the other dead. And to make it even worse, my mother told me to convince her for a one-on-one talk with the queen, and since I didn't give her any results with this problem going on, and with father tormenting her about my brother's case. Now she has gone quiet, but still pusses me every day for the past seven days, but my legs lead me here for unknown reasons.

"Huh? Good morning, your highness, you are here early today as well."

"Y-y-yeah, good morning! I-I just wanted to be sure that I wouldn't miss the moment he wakes up, that's why."

"Oh, that makes sense. Everything is going to be all right, your highness. You must be really worried about your brother, but I am sure that this is just a temporary thing and they are going to open their eyes when we at least expect it."

"Yes. I hope so as well." At least she is politer and more easygoing than her sister. It would have been unbearable if I just had to come to the duke's mansion and look at my brother's unconscious body, counting every second, minute, and hour passing without moving or talking with anyone. Truly, I have been here countless times and never got bored. Raeliana Rapha is unpredictable and somewhat annoying, however, miss Mireya is something else. They are the pure opposite of each other. One is silent and expressionless, while the other is talkative and childish.

"Lady Mireya I have noticed something strange about this situation. You and everyone else have been rather calm this whole time, why is it?"

"Huh?! Do you mean Raeliana's situation? Well, she always had poor health. She would faint or go into three days coma once in a while, mostly after intense training. But other than that, this is just normal for us."

?! "Pardon?", did she just say that this is just the usual stuff going on around here? Aren't they concerned about her at all or if she could pass away unexpectedly while they wait for her to wake up? Probably it is related to her being a rapha, but a human is still a human, and if duke Phelter took it under his care as the second daughter, then he should have put more thought into her well-being other than adding just a name on papers.

This is so messed up! And the way she chose to introduce herself, 'My name is Raeliana Rapha!', is also questionable and puzzling. Did she do that to put up a wall and show her dominance or was it her way of saying that she is alone and doesn't need the duke?

"Did I say something weird? You look uneasy, your highness. I guess this must come as a surprise to some people, and I don't blame them. I was also shocked when I first found out, but after that, the anxiety turned into hope. Since then, everyone who is close to Raelian knows that this is just her usual ritual."

"What?! A ritual, for what?"

"For power accumulation, your highness! She grows stronger after each time she encounters a problem with her body. That's why I don't have to worry about anything because what is happening right now is just like leveling up."

And here I was thinking that my family was strange and impossible to compare with for possessing the king's eyes for generations. If the books would have explained half of their characteristics, the raphas image would have become even scarier, but there were no clues about them having poor health or that would be related to their power growing stronger. That would have been insane.

Hmm. I noticed that throughout the time I have been here, her sister doesn't have awareness of danger or it is her way of talking without thinking when she feels comfortable with certain people. And I doubt that she would be happy to hear that miss Mireya here is telling all her secrets to a stranger, but this might come in handy later.

"So, for power accumulation, does also have to do with her body shutting down to let her get used to the new strength before going back to normal?"

"Yes, that's correct! You are really smart, your highness!"

So now that she is unconscious and harmless, she is also in a nasty situation by those who know about the process of overpowering. Then I suppose if someone were to accidentally interrupt it, would that take her life? I want to stay out of this for the time being, not only because I haven't figured out my brother's case yet, and why is connected to this, but also because I don't know how it is going to affect him.

When I first came here they let me know that when the doctor tried to examine them, they couldn't separate them from each other. Both of their hands were glued together, and neither of them didn't let go of the other, so they gave up and just laid their bodies normally on the bed, next to one another. Therefore, in this manner, I am afraid that if I or someone else did something to her, that would have an impact on him too. I feel somehow uneasy being inside the same room as both of them.

"Miss Mireya, you know a lot about your sister, but have you experienced this "process" before?"

"Me? No, I have not."

"Then how do you know how this all works, when you never experienced it?"

"Well, I mean…Raeliana told me!"

Strange. Weren't they sisters before being adopted by the duke? I don't have any idea how genes work, but if her sister is a rapha that would make her also a rapha from birth. Of course, without the typical characteristics such as hair color and eyes, they have the same blood going through their veins, right?

"Miss Mireya, is the girl over there your biological sister?"

"Yes! She is my little sister, why do you ask?"

"I just wanted to make sure. After all, this is what the duke revealed to the guest of your coming-of-age ceremony which was also when you both entered society. However, if the young lady was your biological sister, would that make you a rapha?"

"I-I-I guess…I guess so. Oh, I just remember that I have to take care of something with one of the butlers. I will be right back."

Did I go a little too far? She seems edgy and unsettled all of the sudden. It is obvious that she wants to dodge the question and change the subject. And that makes me want to push her even more.

"Miss Mireya, do you by any chance, feel jealous of your sister?"

"Pardon?! Why should I?"

"I don't want this to sound rude, but she is the only one from the two of you that has numerous abilities and has the chance to use them to her advantage in every situation. She can find many possibilities with only the fact that she is a rapha. For example, to pressure and threaten anyone for her needs or just fun, win numerous prizes in fighting tournaments, define the high-ups if she has ambition and so many more. You have to stay behind her shadow, see and encourage her while she reaches success. That's what I mean by jealousy. Haven't you thought about it before?"

I guess this is not the only time she has ever thought about it with this kind of reaction. It was what I expected, yet, I am not pleased with the way she is taking it. I am looking for a genuine reaction where it will give me a clue on how to avoid low self-esteem or the thought of being worthless in general. I spoke from experience since, from the two of us brothers, I was the one who wasn't chosen by the king's eyes. Somehow, I saw myself in her, especially in this case. But I am not taking any answers.

"Miss Mireya, I want to know…how does it feel to be left out and constantly being compared to your sister? You have no power, no ambition, and-…?!" *Gulp* Am I imagining it or am I actually seeing it? Why now? That dark aura that always follows brother every time he uses his power is all around this room.

"Hahaha…! What a fun thing to watch. The young prince is throwing a tantrum in front of my eyes when he also doesn't have an answer to his own question."


?! Now I get why I was feeling anxious the whole time I was standing here and the reason why the dark aura showed up now. Brother was actually listening, I don't know for how long, probably he woke up recently, but I am sure that the rapha just opened her eyes now. Since the first thing she heard was my attempt to pressure and get an answer from her sister, Alastair got up and clicked his tongue, he is definitely mad at me. I am pretty sure he is going to take her side if she tries to defend her sister, so I have to act fast, "B-brother, you woke up…"

Huh? She is rushing to her sister. But wait a minute, brother is also there with her. Eh! Does she not have any shame? She hugged her in front of him when they both were in bed…well it was nice meeting her. Rest in peace, miss Mireya!

"Raeliana~! You finally opened your eyes. I was so worried, I almost thought that it would be the last time. I am so glad that you are fine!"

Is she though? I think I heard her say that she wasn't up until now. However, is no one going to talk about my brother's expression? I get it that lady rapha doesn't notice it since he is behind her, but miss Mireya surely can see that he is irritated by her. 'Calm down brother, you still have no right to step out. Take it easy!'

"M-m-miss Mireya, I would advice you to let go of the lady befo-…" …oh, no! He didn't actually...

"Nice to meet you, little lady. Sorry to interrupt your family reunion, but she is off-limit even for you!"

"Excuse me! She is my sister."

"Hmph! Well, she is my future wife, so back off!"

'Are they serious right now? I just woke up, and everything looks fuzzy. It also feels as if a tone of bricks fell on my head while I was sleeping, and my head hurts. Now I even have to hear these two fighting like cats and dogs on my bed? At least stop passing me around from one person to the other, it is slowly making me dizzy. Sigh! I can't overlook the fact that they are playing with ME.'

"Shut up both of you and get off my bed right this instant! ...Ouch! My head! ....Your highness, from this moment on, stop saying the words "my future wife" in front of everyone, otherwise, you have to say your goodbyes to my proposal. And you Mireya, I know you were worried but don't jump on me first thing after I just woke up. I can't carry you out of the blue…"

Pfft…Well, this took quite a turn. She is scolding them and they are listening carefully like they are her children. But I don't think that this is over, they both look like they are not letting this slide.

"Prince Jonathan, are you listening to what I am saying?"

"Huh. Pardon me, I wasn't paying attention.", scary! By the looks of it, I guess I am not on her good side.

"What I was saying is. I am already tired from hearing all this ruckus and since you are here, take your brother to the palace and look after his condition for at least one-two days."

Oh. So this is just her tired face, I thought that she was angry because I wasn't paying attention. "Sure, I will take my brother and be on our way."

"Thank you!"

No, in fact, I should thank her. Mother is searching everywhere for brother and I couldn't possibly make him leave her on my own. But since it was lady Raeliana who told me to, it makes it easier and he won't get angry at me, except for being salty afterward. That at least, I can handle.

"Raaaai~! Can I come to revisit you?"


"Does that mean that you will come to visit me?"

"Also, no!"

"Then what about a neutral place?"


This was a strange thing to watch. I never saw my brother so…at ease, gentle or caring with someone. In other words, he is acting like he is vulnerable in front of her. And also the lady seems to give him the cold shoulder, but she gave up and agreed with him anyway.

Hmm. So, these are the two beasts this kingdom is so scared of, or I am just lucky to be on their good side? Then again, I suppose, now is not the time to talk with her about mother's invitation. And I also hope that it was not something important to her.