A love-hate relationship

"Nothing. I didn't say anything."


"Anyway, what were you going to show me?"

Seeing that painting gave me a weird thought, "What if the emperor's children were not his real sons?", just thinking about it made me doubt the original and rewind the story again in my head. Taking out the fact that "the king's eyes" are inherited from one generation to another, he didn't seem to care or have any connection with both of his sons in the story. Making them fight for their position before being born and forcing them to study and do his work from a young age is the same as adopting a cat to catch the mouse and if it doesn't, throwing it into the streets. It is not worth the struggle for mere respect.

Still, what made me say that to him was that they don't look alike at all, and neither does Jonathan, but they still inherited the emperor's bad habits.

"Bad habits?"

"Stop interrupting me! …Sigh, there are a number of them in fact. Harassing women is the one that tops the list, but from what I have read the symbol of holding a skull is actually a reminder of mortality. Basically, the emperor or whatever wants to show his subjects that he and they are nothing more than mere mortals, but what I said about them being similar was about the theme of cruelty."

"Even if you say so, you know that that's not how genes work, but … ahem, to change the subject, what did he want to show you and why did you say there was an unpleasant event after taking his hand?"

"Well…it was somehow unpleasant because I did not expect that my day would go from zero to one hundred with one of my least favorite persons, but I somehow enjoyed it to the full. I couldn't catch my breath, my heart beats in my throat and my legs were numb. In the end and we were both tired to the point that our bodies couldn't stop shaking from how intense it was. In the end, it was hard to move, but I still, gave my gratitude to Alfred and the woman named Nary for separating us even though we insisted to keep going. The competition was fierce, neither of us wanted to lose."

"W-what…?! Explain!"

Why is he looking at me like I have done some sort of crime? He asked for it and I answered him honestly. Well, I might have left something out on purpose just so I could keep it short, but it is not working if he wants to explain everything.

"His highness told me about a place that wanted us to go there and see if I would like it. I couldn't tell where that was at first when he pointed out the window because of the trees surrounding the palace grounds, and after a long walk we reached the training grounds."

"Huh? … You did it in daylight and outdoors? Well, that took a quick turn for the worse."

What did he just say? Hmm. I was about to say what happened, but daylight? Outdoors? He is just pointing out the obvious. First, it was afternoon, and second, we definitely were not going to do that inside the palace, that place was going to turn into a mess by how intense that was. Hm?

"Spencer, why are you red all of the sudden? Are you feeling the effect of the drink now?"

"No, I just can't believe you did that after all the ruckus you caused for having marks on your neck! Tsk…Tsk…Tsk, I can't believe it, make up your mind or at least wait until marriage. I thought you were better than this."

"?! Are you drunk? Because you are not making sense right now. What does fighting have to do with …*Gasp* …no way you actually thought?! …ahem…let's get inside Spencer, you have been standing outside the mansion for a long time now."

"Stop changing the subject and tell me that you did not actually make that mistake."

"I didn't so calm down now. You are going to wake up the whole mansion.", well I can't say for sure if I did that mistake or not since I don't remember anything from that night, but the marks and the back pain were both clear evidence that something did happen. However, there are still many things to unfold and until then I won't take that moment into account, only because it would cloud my judgment.

"You are not going to come?"

"No. My head hurts, so I am going to stay here a little longer. Maybe breathing the fresh air and looking at the night sky is going to help me to clear up my thoughts."

I wish I could sleep after drinking so much. I feel sleepy but my mind is wild awake, something keeps bothering me and the thought of it won't let me rest for the whole night if I don't get it out of my system.

"Well then, good night my lady."

"…Good night to you too!"

And there he goes after messing up my thoughts for the second time in a day. Sigh! Today drained me, and tomorrow's hangover is going to be a pain. Spencer, how the hell did you come up with that idea when you already know how much I hate that person?

Probably it's my fault for not telling him that we were going to fight to the death if Alphred and Nary or whatever didn't step in, but I thought that he understood where I was getting at when I said that we went to the training grounds. How can he think of something like that, and with who?

'Hmm, maybe I should go and look at the garden', at this hour is not going to be much, but since I am here I should at least visit the flowers that are still blooming. Looking at them might help me to get rid of those unpleasant thoughts.

"Sigh! Why do I always hold myself back and then put everything I got at the wrong moment? Since I had that last experience with him from following his lead, I was prepared for everything, literally everything, but I didn't expect that. I feel bad for being an egoist."

That caught me off guard. The whole area was empty, no knight was training there and those in charge of the horses were not in sight. I wanted to know what were we supposed to be doing there and why did he want to show it to me.

To make things worse, his highness stops in the middle of the training area and tells me to wait a minute while he goes to grab something. Now what bothers me is, while I was looking around to see if someone else was there, all of the sudden I have this chill on the back of my neck. I feeling of uneasiness coming from all around the area. I could have sworn that someone was indeed there, observing. It felt weird because I couldn't sense someone's presence and I didn't see a person either, but it might have been another knight passing by or going there to practice.

But why couldn't I sense their presence, is it my imagination?

'Who the hell is following me from the shadows? Is it that lady who has something against Raphael again? I know where his highness is, I can tell clearly where he went and when he is going to return, but the other person is just a hunch. I guess is just my imagination playing tricks on me.'

When his highness came back he was holding two swords in his hand. I looked at him confused but then I thought about the reason he bought me here, so it wasn't that big of a surprise. The only thing that surprised me was that guy's crazy confidence and ability to make me rethink my decision.

"Rai, since we are here, can I ask you for a favor?"

"Erm… yeah…I'm sorry to say this your highness, but no.", and here I was worrying about what he was going to tell me. Everything that comes out of his mouth after saying the word "favor" is either going to end up benefiting him or creating more problems for me. Actually, both are bad news.

"Come one, I am not asking too much. In fact, you can do whatever you want."

"And what do you gain from it?"

"Nothing more but a good experience.", he says with a happy smile on his face. Does he think that making himself look cute will change my mind? Hmph, I don't think so, but…

"Right…So, I will hear what your plan is and then I will give my answer."

"Hehe! I am sure that you will like this."

That's for me to decide, but whatever, I can clearly see where this I going. But if he wants me to be his training partner, that would explain why he bought me here. Hmm, so if I agree and do whatever I want as he said, I can actually teach him a lesson.

But what he requested wasn't what I would call a simple favor. Hearing the words coming out of his mouth made me question if he was serious or not. I was in complete disbelief, one thing was to ask a normal person for that kind of favor, but a rapha? Either he was joking or didn't think that his actions were going to have severe consequences for him and for me if were to lose control.

"Wait wait wait…so your highness, repeat what you just said. You want me to what?"

"Well from my last visit to your mansion, I saw that you had a sword under your bed, which lead me to think that you had practiced and know how to use it. Because why would you put it there if it were for decoration? Then I heard it from your sister and other people that you train every day by yourself after taking away your teacher."

"Your highness, I know you know everything, now get to the point please.", I think he is stalking me. First was my nickname and I am scared to know where he heard it from. Miko is the only one who knows it, which leads me to believe he has done something to get that and more information about me. However, I don't know how far he has dug and how is he going to use it.

"Yes yes, I am getting there. So basically, I am asking you to be my sparring partner and if you can, please go wild for me. You don't have to hold back, but for the time being, I would prefer to leave aside our special skills like our eyes or brute strength. What do you say? Wouldn't that be fun?"

I don't know, will it be fun if only one of us gets to win? But aside from that, is he crazy or does he want to die that badly? Since we are going to use only swords, my powers are irrelevant since I cannot control them of free will. But what if I get triggered in the process and lose it? I might kill him and that's game over for me.

Still, I doubt that he will expect a no for an answer, and if I try to keep things simple, to not think about winning and just act like I am not good with the sword, then maybe he will get bored and end the game, practice, sparring or whatever.

"So, what do you think Raeliana, will you be my sparring partner? I know it is a lot to ask for, but I promise to take it easy since you might still be new to this."

What did he just call me? I train every day like there is no tomorrow and he goes and calls me a b-b-…beginner? The worse part is that I don't know how to take it since I can't tell from his face if he is being considerate or if he is mocking me.

"I get it, your highness, now please give me the sword!", I promise that you will regret what you said about wanting me to go wild because I will make you eat your words without even using half of what I know.

As we both had our swords, we took a few steps back and got into position. In complete silence, where everything outside the area seemed like a world of its own, inside our invisible circle the time had stopped. The tension grew stronger, nothing could be heard except wind and my own heartbeat that kept me focused. We were looking at each other waiting for the right moment, who would make the first move. Looking at the opponent's defense and thinking about any possibilities to attach and counterattack. At that point, it was like we both were analyzing any possible route in our minds, and without a doubt we both had the same strategy when it came to fighting, building a strong defense first was the key.

His highness was the first one to break the wait, he offered a sward salute followed by a gentle bow of his head. I was surprised for a moment but returned it as a sign of respect and consideration.

His highness spoke first, cutting lazily at me. I parried sharply, frowned, and thrust at him, pulling off-line at the last moment to slap his cheek with the flat.

Startled, his highness stepped back, sword held out to keep me at bay. I slapped his blade aside and thrust. His highness parried and tried to counter-thrust, only for the two of us to meet face to face, arms and swords high, each surprised.

His highness reacted, using hands and sword grip to pry my sword from my hands. I let it go and grabbed him about the shoulders and drove my knee up. His highness twisted just in time, taking the blow to his thigh. It was surprisingly gentle.

He grabbed my hands, and with main strength, spun me abound and pinned me against his chest. I struggled in vain, but couldn't escape his grip. One of the conditions was to not use brute straight against each other, and I remained true to my word, however, the situation I was in called for a change of strategy.

Undeterred, I pressed my butt against him and wiggled suggestively, while bending my head back to look up at him and offered him an excellent view.

Smirking at the obvious ploy, his highness bent his head forward and licked my forehead. I squealed and thrashed. He let my hands slip loose, and I turned myself around to face him, his arms still wrapped around me.

I reached up and cupped his chin in my hands, "You are enjoying this aren't you, your highness?"

He looks me in the eye, playfully taking my hand. I flinched while he placed his lips on my index finger. "I would be crazy if I didn't. If you put something on my plate, I will make sure to eat it.", as he says that, I felt his teeth sink into my skin. It wasn't painful at the point where I had to pull my finger off his mouth, it was just a little unpleasant from what I just heard. Liking the spot he nibbled he turned his back to me with shining eyes, "This will be enough for me now. I will restrain myself for at least one or two months, then I will come to eat what it's left on the plate."

One or two months? That's too early. Why did he set a time? And when I asked him why he chose to wait for two months, he just said, "Hmm, well I don't have a proper explanation for that. But I guess, I just want to pass your birthday before anything happens. Oh right, I ruined the element of surprise, didn't I? Haha, how silly but you don't mind right? I am sure you are going to forget it.", I looked at him in disbelief while he embraced me in a tight hug. I was in a daze, with so many questions and no right answers. How did he know? How did he find that out? Who told him? Who betrayed my trust? My mind was blank, I couldn't think of anything, and his highness's voice whispering into my ear, warm my heart and confused me at the same time.

"You have to understand Rai~! Rapha or whatever, you are still going to be the same Raeliana for me. Even if you forget me, even if you hate me…please don't leave me!"

Even though when he said that being a rapha didn't matter to him made me feel a little bit good about myself, the words that came after that left a bitter taste in my mouth.

'When the moment comes when you are feeling a such way about me, I won't let you go. That's my punishment, and this time I am going to seek redemption, by not letting you escape this time.'

"Sigh! What have I don't in my previous life to deserve this? This person with his different personality is driving me insane. As the matter of fact, I did flip out the moment I heard that, and well, I am happy that it didn't end in anything serious because then Nary and Alphred were going to be eye witnesses of a double suicide."

It was a rollercoaster of emotions, and somehow, I enjoyed it since this was the first time I had a fight on equal terms. But the next time I visit that place I am going to make sure to focus only on that little boy I met today. He reminds me a lot of myself and if he is going through the same thing I did, I hope I am not too late.