OUT OF EVERYONE who could've been Laia's groupmate, she just had to end up in the same group with that one guy who hated her guts for no reason except for the fact that she's smarter and more capable than he is.

Not that Laia was bragging.

"Should we decide on a leader?" Andrei grins confidently.

Nobody shared his enthusiasm.

Nobody bothered to answer him either.

Gritting his teeth in irritation, the boy clasped his hands together. "What should be the topic of our reporting?"

Laia sighs upon remembering how they're supposed to do another reporting. It's almost as if their teachers couldn't think of another performance task for them.

Andrei didn't give up talking. "How about we come up with a leader? Hmm?"

His words only seemed to irritate his groupmates further. He's not even hiding how he's only interested to be the so-called "leader".