"PROCEED TO YOUR GROUPS and discuss your topic before reporting this Friday," Sir Mathias says after sitting down on his designated chair. "I will give you the entire period for your discussion. Do approach me if you have questions."

Laia reluctantly and even intentionally walked slowly towards her group, immediately noticing when she was finally in front of them how Andrei had kept his distance from her.

He was probably still shocked from how Laia screamed murder at him just a few minutes ago.

Not that Laia minds. It was honestly better that she surprised Andrei with her sudden outburst earlier which hopefully will lead to the boy remaining silent for the rest of their discussion. However, the girl still felt like shit because she just had to get tonsilitis today.

Said tonsilitis that just happened to start right now instead of earlier this morning which might've made the girl drink ginger ale ahead of time or at least bring a bunch of Strepsils.