THE ASSHAT was still sitting down on the same chair from earlier, gazing at the stars that finally decided to show themselves.

"You're still not going home?"

He turns to her with a grin. "Are you that excited to see me leave?"

Laia shrugs and sits next to the asshat whose grin noticeably widened at the girl's spontaneous move. "It's already ten and we still have class tomorrow,"

"Would you let me borrow your notes if I decide to not show myself tomorrow?"

Her brows furrowed. "You do realize that our exams are just weeks away, right?"

The boy cocks his head to the side as if genuinely curious as to why the girl is so anxious about the exams. "And?"

"We have a lot of quizzes for weeks to come," She blows a strand of hair upwards, making the asshat beside her chuckle. "Don't get me started on how we have to get high scores because of how we flunked our History report,"