VIVI'S MANSION was as big as Laia remembered it.

But of course, the girl just had to remember what happened the last time she visited Vivi's mansion. 

Laia kept her eyes away from the spot where Samuel parked his car and where they spent most of the night having the most meaningless of conversations and also the most meaningful. 

Sometimes Laia thinks that those memories were just dreams or maybe figments of her imagination and yet they are not and she honestly just wanted them to be so. She'd rather those memories be revealed as mere dreams rather than the concept of how it was real and how it truly did happen to her.

"Laia?" Brie calls out to her friend who unconsciously stopped in her steps. "Are you okay? Did you see something?"

The girl tried to laugh it off. "What is this, a horror movie?"

"It's just," Brie seemed to be reluctant to say her next words. "You seem really down after we passed that spot,"