THE PARTY was everything that Samuel didn't want it to be.

Girls wearing bikinis, half-naked men grinding their junks on them or on girls who allow them, at least three bars that serve a huge variety of unknown alcohol, and a DJ that didn't seem to know the difference between noise and actual music.

Samuel scoffs at the whole scene in front of him. This is why he hated going to any of Gracie's parties.

But he needed a distraction. A distraction in the form of a pretty girl who was approaching him with a confident smile on her lips.

"Here they come!" Yule whispers behind Samuel who allows the girl to come up to him and smile in triumph once she was already in Samuel's arms.

"Ah," She even feigns being tripped by someone or something to push her face unto Samuel's bare chest. "I'm sorry, someone pushed me,"

Ah. It wasn't an excuse about tripping.

Well, there's a first time in everything.