THE BEACH that they had decided on happened to be nearby Sophie's house.

Samuel didn't know how and why they decided to settle on the beach for he indeed, just as Yule predicted, was called by Edith for a band practice that lasted for hours longer than what he expected.

Well, at least he got to see Edith and the band in the flesh after two months since their last jam session.

"Is everybody ready?" Sophie asks for the second time, addressing the eight members in front of her. "Does everybody have a trash bag and a pair of gloves?"

"Yes!" Everyone yelled out in unison, Yule particularly looking like someone who had never been to a beach before with how excited he looked.

"Okay, let's go then," The girl beckoned them towards the entrance of the beach.

The first group was then directed by Sophie towards the left side of the beach that they were to clean up before the end of the day ends.