THEY FOUND LUKA unconscious outside the club.

Fucking unconscious.

Samuel quickly checked his friend's pockets and sighs in relief once realizing that his car keys were still there and his wallet.

At least he didn't get robbed.

"Um," Moore could barely walk at the weight of Yule being completely dependent on his smaller frame. "Is he alright?"

"Yeah," Samuel proceeds to pull his friend up and help him walk. "Let's go to his car,"

However, the plan didn't go very well as Samuel almost tripped on his own feet due to how his sight gradually blurred and he started to lose control over his legs.

I had high alcohol tolerance, huh.


The last thing that the boy saw before passing out with Luka above him was the sight of Moore who looked like he was about to cry.


Samuel woke up to an unfamiliar room with a familiar face looking at him from above.
