EDITH feigns barfing at their band name which Dwayne and Ivan mirrored. 

Samuel merely laughs at their antics. Besides, he wasn't the one who choose the name of the band, it was Edith.

The four were quick to make their way towards the stage amidst the audience who tried to take pictures of them and with them in the process of also blocking their way to the stage. Samuel tried his best to remain smiling and restrain a scowl from forming on his lips which he thinks was successful based on how no one commented regarding a scowl or anything similar to that appearing on their photos with him.

Edith accepts the award on her hands and bows simultaneously along with her band members. 

After handing the award gently to Dwayne who marvels at the sight of it, Edith reaches out for the microphone on the stand and starts her acceptance speech. "I am very grateful for this award,"