LAIA ALMOST FACEPALMED when the very moment she stepped outside her school's gates, Samuel's car was already in plain view.

And not just in her view, but in the view of everyone present!

"What are you doing here?!" Laia hissed after Samuel rolled his windows done and flashes her a grin. "Didn't I tell you that we'll just meet outside the school grounds?"

Not that Laia didn't want to see the boy, of course not, but with how fast gossip and rumors spread in their school, she'd rather not be the one the rumors are about.

Samuel pouts like a child. Laia realizes that he does that more often these days. "Aren't I technically outside the school grounds?"

An annoying part of Laia's brain tells her that the boy was right but she forces that part to remain quiet. "No," She says instead. "When I say outside the school grounds, what I meant is at least that one coffee shop that you need to ride a bike from here,"