In a realm where humans and all the mythical creatures coexist, a small town harbors a secret. Here, the enigmatic beauty, Elisa Shizwell, a powerful mage, hails from a prestigious lineage. However, beyond the tranquil boundary of the town lies a realm of brutality and inhumanity, where peace is but a distant memory. And they were, The Werewolves.
"How can you just agree to my marriage without my consent?"
"Enough Elisa! You are getting married and that's final!"
Elisa's world turns upside down finds herself thrust into an arranged marriage against her will, that too, with a Werewolf? As Elisa navigates this new reality, an unexpected encounter unveils hidden scars and long-buried secrets. The enigmatic werewolf she's betrothed to, though a stranger, stirs a sense of familiarity she can't quite grasp.
"So you are my bride?"
"...Have we met before?"
A new journey began as an unexpected bond created between her and her werewolf in-laws, who grew deeply fond of her, or should we obsessed with her!
From a chance encounter to a forced marriage, a scar that conceals a story untold. As her path unfolds, will it lead to a love that defies boundaries, or a fate marked by tears and trials untold?
Follow my Instagram page @dreamy_aimi, for art and updates.
I love this novel. The character development is good and the storyline is also interesting. There is a variety of genres like comedy, drama and suspense. As for me? I'm just waiting for the romance to kick in😆
it is very interesting to read this novel. Elisa character is very strong and week at the same time and this is the beauty of this character.
So love it The writers writing style is so simple and exquisite that one could easily picture the scenes in mind. The character development of the main lead is pretty strong. And the story development being mysterious to the point it could kill you with curiosity.