Before God sent down Adam and Eve on Earth, demons and monsters plagued the planet. In order to restore the balance between humans and demons, God created a spirit out of light and energy. The spirit fought away the demons and killed the monsters, bringing peace to the planet. Immersed by the beauty of the planet, the spirit settled on earth. Hiding in the biggest mountain, surrounded by valleys and trees, where it never snowed, and neither the sun came up too close. Many years passed, and a time came when the earth stopped receiving rains. A group of humans discovered what the spirit had done and thought that her being settling on earth may have angered the God. They killed her. A year later, with enough information on the spirit, the humans set the mountain on fire. They killed the spirit, and when the spirit breathed its last, God sent down heavy showers. The humans rejoiced and for another year lived happily, thinking they had pleased the God. But the worst was yet to come.

The rain carried a virus, which spread about the ends of the planet. The virus made the murderers turn into beasts and monsters, making them hide in the shadows, living with constant regret, unable to think or sleep. It made the people who took no part in the killing and the supporting immune to the virus, letting them live a normal human life. The people who had supported the killers, people who had made contributions to the weapons, gave a single penny, even gave food to them. It turned the killers into half beasts and half humans. In modern words, the people became werewolves.