He Had A Soft Side

Unfortunately, Arianna doesn't want his presence. So the suggestion was clearly useless to him.

Another said, [Assess the situation] 

There was no need to assess the situation in this case when he was the one responsible for her tears. Could this get any better?

[Comfort her] 

How in the world was he going to do that? 

[Be a good listener!]

She wasn't even talking! Even if they did, Marcel was sure it would lead straight to another argument - that he wasn't ready for.

[ Don't tell her not to cry]

That was exactly what he was dying to do. Marcel was really uncomfortable and the worst part, he couldn't leave her alone for his own good. What kind of situation was this? 

In the end, Marcel gave up on the ideas from the internet. They were not helping him - or perhaps, he was too proud to even consider it. Why should he be the one to comfort Arianna when she decided to cry in the first place.