What Is Wrong With Marcel?

Arianna could only stay until mid-afternoon before she was required back to the base. Although she was reluctant to leave, and wanted to plead for more time, she decided otherwise.

Marcel was kind enough to let her out of the base amid the fact that Elijah was looming around the corner, waiting for a chance to strike. That sure spoke volumes. Arianna would be contended with this little favor and maybe next time, he would let her out a little more. This way, she would gain his trust, little by little.

"Go in, Luca would drive you home," Victor told her as they walked across the lawn and Arianna froze.

"What about you? Where are you going?" She then looked at him suspiciously, "What do you plan to do?"

He winked at her, taking several steps back, "What do you think I plan to do?"

Arianna's face flushed with embarrassment, and then annoyance, "Hey, let Mimi rest! Do not bother her too -"