Your Eyes Are Pretty

"How did this happen?" Victor queried as soon as he came into his cousin's office. 

Just as Marcel promised him, he sent a car back for him, but with a little alteration to the plan. He sent security. The moment Victor saw the soldiers, he knew at once that something was wrong. Something has happened for Marcel to send them to protect him. 

"I was attacked," Marcel answered. 

He was lying on the couch with a cold pack pressed to the side of his face. Marcel had not exactly emerged from the accident unharmed, he had a swollen bump on his face when he hit his head on the steering wheel in the process of trying to control his car that had earlier spiraled out of control. 

Marcel also suffered bruises on various sides of his body from the hot chase. But then, aside from the throbbing headache and body pain, he was good. 

"Exactly, what happened?" Victor asked, coming to sit beside him and taking the cold pack from him. He took care of the bump instead.